101-7-01. Definitions  

Latest version.
  • (A) "Chairman" means the member of the committee appointed as chairman pursuant to section 101.34 of the Revised Code.

    (B) "Charge" means any accusation or other information, from any source, which alleges or indicates that a violation of Chapter 102. of the Revised Code may have occurred.

    (C) "Committee" means the joint legislative ethics committee created pursuant to section 101.34 of the Revised Code.

    (D) "Complainant" means any person, including the committee, a member of the committee, or a member of the staff of the committee, who has filed a complaint with the committee.

    (E) "Complaint" means a formal complaint filed with or initiated by the committee in accordance with section 102.06 of the Revised Code, concerning conduct alleged to be in violation of Chapter 102. of the Revised Code.

    (F) "Executive director" means the executive director appointed by the committee pursuant to section 101.34 of the Revised Code.

    (G) "Party" means the committee, the respondent, and their representatives.

    (H) "Representative" means any person whom the committee has authorized to appear or act on its behalf, or any person whom the complainant, respondent, or a witness has authorized to appear or act on his behalf before the committee.

    (I) "Respondent" means a person against whom a complaint has been filed with the committee.

Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 2/8/2018 and 02/08/2023
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 101.34
Rule Amplifies: Chapter 102
Prior Effective Dates: 5/18/95

Prior History: (R.C. 119.032 review dates: 03/11/2013 and 03/11/2018
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 101.34
Rule Amplifies: Chapter 102
Prior Effective Dates: 5/18/95)