111:2-2-03. Use of the candidate's personal funds  

Latest version.
  • The contribution limits found in section 3517.102 of the Revised Code do not apply to contributions, in-kind contributions or loans made to the candidate's own campaign committee when made from the candidate's own personal funds. Likewise there is no limit on the amount of debt a candidate may incur on behalf of the candidate's own campaign committee. Contributions, in-kind contributions and loans made from any other family member including the candidate's spouse are subject to the contribution limits found in section 3517.102 of the Revised Code. Any debts incurred on behalf of the candidate's campaign committee by any other family member including the candidate's spouse are subject to the contribution limits found in section 3517.102 of the Revised Code.

    Any funds or assets held jointly by the candidate and his or her spouse shall be considered to be the candidate's own personal funds.

    Any gift or loan given to the candidate by a family member such as parents or in-laws when given specifically for the purpose of use by the candidate's campaign committee shall be considered a contribution or loan to the candidate's campaign committee by the family member and should be reported as such.

    If a candidate uses personal funds to purchase an item or service on behalf of the candidate's committee, the activity should be reported in one of the following ways:

    (A) An in-kind contribution if the candidate does not wish to be reimbursed by the campaign committee.

    (B) An expenditure if the candidate is reimbursed by the campaign committee

    (C) An outstanding debt if the candidate wishes to be reimbursed by the campaign committee but is not.

    The use by a candidate of the candidate's personal funds should not be reported as a monetary contribution or a loan received unless the funds are deposited directly into the campaign committee's bank account.

Replaces: 111-3-04

Effective: 1/25/2016
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 01/15/2021
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3517.23
Rule Amplifies: 3517.103
Prior Effective Dates: 8/23/95 (Emer.), 11/21/95, 1/1/02