123:1-7-16. Holding classifications for state exempt positions  

Latest version.
  • (A) The director of administrative services may assign exempt positions within state agencies, boards and commissions, paid by warrant of the director of budget and management, into the appropriate classification in the holding division of the classification plan. Allocations of positions to classifications within this division represent those positions that are currently overclassified.

    (B) As the positions allocated to the classifications in this division become vacant, due to promotion, demotion, reassignment, separation, displacement, including layoff, or any other reason, the positions must be deleted, unless subordinate positions within the same holding class series are still encumbered.

    (C) In the event of layoff or job abolishment, an employee reassigned into a holding classification shall have the right to displace in accordance with the provision of sections 124.321 to 124.328 of the Revised Code and Chapter 123:1-41 of the Administrative Code and into the classification series from which he or she was originally reassigned, provided the former classification has an equivalent or lower pay range. An employee who is in a holding classification at the time of layoff or job abolishment, and who cannot displace a position in his or her former classification because that former classification no longer exists, may displace another position which is in a classification deemed by the Department of Administrative Services to have replaced the former classification, provided that the position to be displaced is in a pay range which is equal to or lower than the pay range of the position in the holding classification. An employee who displaces another employee under this section must possess the minimum qualifications and, if applicable, any position specific minimum qualifications for the position to be displaced.

    (D) An employee who is in a holding classification at the time of layoff or job abolishment may displace another employee in a holding classification, provided that the employee to be displaced has fewer retention points than the displacing employee, and provided that the employee to be displaced is in a position which is assigned to a holding classification have the same class number and same classification title as the displacing employee.

    (E) In addition, an employee in a position which is not in a holding classification at the time of layoff or job abolishment may displace an employee in a holding classification, provided that: the displacing employee meets the minimum qualifications for the position; the position to be displaced is in a pay range equivalent to or lower than the pay range of the displacing employee; the position to be displaced is in the same classification grouping held by the displacing employee prior to the 1989-1990 classification modernization study; and the employee to be displaced has fewer retention points than the displacing employee.

    (F) Once all positions of a given classification become vacant, the classification will be deleted from this rule. No new positions or future reclassifications of positions may be allocated to a classification within this division. The classifications assigned to this division of the classification plan appear herein:



    13 30233 Environmental Specialist 3

    07 30607 Holding Class For Exempt Pay Range Seven

    08 30608 Holding Class For Exempt Pay Range Eight

    09 30609 Holding Class For Exempt Pay Range Nine

    10 30610 Holding Class For Exempt Pay Range Ten

    12 30612 Holding Class For Exempt Pay Range Twelve

    13 30613 Holding Class For Exempt Pay Range Thirteen

    14 30614 Holding Class For Exempt Pay Range Fourteen

    15 30615 Holding Class For Exempt Pay Range Fifteen

Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 1/15/2019 and 01/15/2024
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 124.09
Rule Amplifies: 124.14
Prior Effective Dates: 01/29/1986 (Emer.), 04/13/1986, 08/26/1986 (Emer.), 01/18/1987, 05/11/1987 (Emer.), 08/02/1987, 09/18/1987 (Emer.), 12/13/1987, 08/22/1988 (Emer.), 11/13/1988, 03/26/1990 (Emer.), 06/22/1990, 06/28/1991 (Emer.), 09/22/1991, 12/15/1991, 01/05/1997, 05/05/2002, 04/02/2006, 01/21/2007, 07/01/2007

Prior History: (R.C. 119.032 review dates: 02/06/2014 and 02/06/2019
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 124.09
Rule Amplifies: 124.14
Prior Effective Dates: 1/29/86 (Emer.), 4/13/86, 8/26/86 (Emer.), 1/18/87, 5/11/87 (Emer.), 8/2/87, 9/18/87 (Emer.), 12/13/87, 8/22/88 (Emer.), 11/13/88, 3/26/90 (Emer.), 6/22/90, 6/28/91 (Emer.), 9/22/91, 12/15/91, 1/5/97, 5/5/02, 4/2/06, 1/21/07, 7/1/07)