1301:15-1-01. Form and manner by which persons may apply to the superintendent to offer a thirty hour course in mass appraisal  

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  • (A) A course provider, which proposes to offer a thirty hour course in mass appraisal in satisfaction of the requirements found in division (A)(2)(a) of section 5713.012 of the Revised Code, shall satisfy all of the following:

    (1) Completes an application for approval to offer the thirty hour course on a form the Superintendent prescribes;

    (2) The application shall be signed by an administrator for the course provider. The signature on any application may be written by hand or be an electronic signature, as defined by division (H) of section 1306.01 of the Revised Code;

    (3) Provides a copy of course materials, including course examination questions, demonstrating the course and the examination complies with division (A)(2)(a) of section 5713.012 of the Revised Code;

    (4) Provides a copy of materials demonstrating the course instructor meets the requirements found in rule 1301:15-1-04 of the Administrative Code; and

    (5) Submits a nonrefundable fee of fifty dollars;

    (B) Upon receiving a notice from the superintendent that an application is deficient or incorrect as filed, the applicant shall, within thirty days of receipt of that notice, submit to the superintendent the corrected application or additional information requested. Failure to timely submit to the superintendent the corrected application or additional information requested by the superintendent shall constitute cause for the superintendent to void the application and impose a forfeiture of the application fee.

    (C) The course will be approved for offering to students upon the superintendent's issuance of a course certification number for that course. A course certification number is valid for three years from the issuance of the course certification number. An application for the thirty hour course shall be submitted to the superintendent for approval at least thirty days prior to its proposed initial offering.

    (D) For purposes of this rule, a course hour shall consist of sixty minutes. Course hours only include instruction time and do not include examination time. A course hour applies to instruction held in a classroom setting. No offering will be approved in which classroom instruction exceeds more than eight classroom hours in any one day.

    (E) A student must pass a comprehensive examination at the conclusion of the thirty hour of course instruction in order to satisfy the requirements found in division (A)(2)(a) of section 5713.012 of the Revised Code. The contents of the examination shall be consistent with the instruction from the thirty hour course. A student must score at least seventy per cent of the examination questions correct in order to pass the course examination. The examination must be proctored by an official appointed by the course provider. The examination must be written and closed book. No oral examinations are permitted. A written examination may be on paper or administered electronically on a computer workstation or other device. The examination shall be administered with reasonable accommodations in accordance with the requirements of the "Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990," 104 Stat. 327, 42 U.S.C. 12189.

    (F) A course provider shall not award a student credit for the thirty hour course when a student only successfully completes the course examination. A student must be physically present for at least ninety per cent of the course instruction and must successfully pass the course examination in order to receive credit for the course. If a student fails to pass the course examination following the completion of course instruction, a student may re-take the course examination without having to attend the course instruction, provided the student re-takes and passes the course examination within ninety days of completion of the original course instruction. A student who fails to pass the examination within the ninety days must re-take the entire course including all tests and final exams.

    (G) A course provider shall provide a course certificate to the student within thirty days after successfully completing the course. Course certificates shall include at minimum: the name of the class; the name of the sponsoring entity or course provider; the name of the student; the address of the student; the course certification number provided by the superintendent; and the date the course was completed by the student. A course provider must submit to the superintendent the roster of students who have successfully completed the thirty hour course, including passing the course examination within fifteen days after the completion of the course.

    (H) The superintendent may deny or withdraw approval of the thirty hour course if; the course does not meet the requirements in division (A)(2)(a) of section 5713.012 of the Revised Code; the course does not meet the requirements found in this rule; or the course provider, sponsoring entity, course administrator or course instructor have previously failed to comply with any of these requirements or have been found not to be of honest, truthful and good reputation. For purposes of this rule, the superintendent may consider past convictions or disciplinary sanctions issued by other professional entities or administrative agencies when evaluating the honest, truthful and good reputation requirement. The superintendent must issue to the course provider or sponsoring entity a denial notice or a withdrawal of approval notice, pursuant to section 119.07 of the Revised Code, stating the reasons for the denial or the withdrawal of approval. The superintendent's decision related to this paragraph may be appealed to the Ohio real estate appraiser board.

Effective: 6/1/2015
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 06/01/2020
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 5713.012
Rule Amplifies: 5713.012