1301:3-4-03. Operating criteria - required equipment  

Latest version.
  • All historical boilers shall be equipped with the following:

    (A) A safety valve set to relieve at or below the safe working pressure of the boiler. The safety valve shall be certified by the national board of boiler and pressure vessel inspectors. The safety valve shall be sealed in a manner that does not allow tampering with the valve setting without destroying the seal. The boiler may be equipped with a y-base or an unrestricted tee to accommodate the installation of multiple safety valves, as necessary. During the required operational inspection, it shall be demonstrated to the inspector that the certified safety valve lifts at its certified setting with live steam only. The required pressure relief valve capacity shall not be less than seven pounds per hour per square foot of heating surface of the boiler.

    (B) A pressure gage connected to its steam space. The gage shall contain some form of a siphon device, which shall develop and maintain a water seal that shall prevent steam from entering the gage tube. The gage shall be proven accurate each year by being tested with a dead weight tester or an approved calibrated test gage. The results of the test shall be documented in the log book and shall be furnished to the inspector.

    (C) A fusible plug manufactured to conform to section I appendix A-19 of the 2004 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code with "ASME Std." stamped on the filler material. Fusible plugs shall be replaced every three years, and the replacement shall be witnessed by the inspector. Fireside fusible plugs shall protrude a minimum of one inch into the water. Waterside fusible plugs shall not protrude into the fire area more than three quarters of an inch. Fusible plugs shall not be refilled.

    (D) A fully operational gage glass fitted with a protective guard. The gage glass shall indicate the minimum safe operating water level and shall be provided with a drain valve or petcock.

    (E) Fully operational try-cocks correctly located in reference to the minimum required water level.

Effective: 3/6/2020
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 11/22/2019 and 11/22/2024
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4104.34
Rule Amplifies: 4104.35, 4104.36
Prior Effective Dates: 05/27/2003 (Emer.), 04/30/2006, 11/30/2006