1501:10-2-06. Ventilation  

Latest version.
  • (A) Minimum quantities of ventilating air where diesel-powered equipment is operated shall be maintained pursuant to this rule.

    (B) Approval plate for diesel-powered equipment. The chief shall require that an MSHA approval plate be attached to each specific model of the diesel-powered equipment that is approved by the chief in accordance with rule 1501:10-2-04 of the Administrative Code. The approval plate shall specify the minimum ventilating air quantity for the specific model of diesel-powered equipment. The minimum ventilating air quantity shall be the amount of air necessary at all times to maintain the exhaust emissions at levels not exceeding the exposure limits established in rule 1501:10-2-07 of the Administrative Code.

    (C) Minimum air quantities. The minimum quantity of air in any split of air where an individual unit of diesel-powered equipment is being operated shall be at least that specified on the approval plate for that equipment. Air quantity measurements to determine compliance with this requirement shall be made at the individual unit of diesel-powered equipment.

    (D) Minimum air quantity when multiple units in operation. When multiple units of diesel-powered equipment are operated, the minimum quantity of air shall be at least one hundred per cent of the MSHA 30 C.F.R. Part 7 approval plate quantity for each unit operating in that split. Air quantity measurements to determine compliance with this requirement shall be made at the most downwind unit of diesel-powered equipment that is being operated in that split of air. Should MSHA promulgate new regulations that change the 30 C.F.R. Part 7 approval plate ventilation rate, the minimum quantity where multiple units are operated shall be revised on a direct ratio basis as approved by the chief.

    (E) The minimum quantity of air on a split of air where diesel-powered equipment is operated shall meet the minimum air quantity requirements of paragraphs (A) to (D) of this rule, and shall be specified in the mine's diesel ventilation plan.

    (F) For dates of federal rules referenced in this rule, see rule 1501:10-1-07 of the Administrative Code.

Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 02/24/2017 and 02/24/2022
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 1513.02
Rule Amplifies: 1513.02 , 1567.35
Prior Effective Dates: 11/03/11

Prior History: (Effective: 11/03/2011
R.C. 119.032 review dates: 10/24/2016
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 1513.02
Rule Amplifies: 1513.02, 1567.35)