1501:21-5-04. The final design report  

Latest version.
  • The final design report shall include:

    (A) All investigations required by Chapter 1501:21-11 of the Administrative Code.

    Stability and settlement analyses, and seepage and underseepage studies shall be required, unless the applicant can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the chief that these analyses are not necessary.

    (B) The bases, references, calculations, and conclusions relative to hydrologic, hydraulic, and structural design studies, and to the design of spillways and outlet works. Design procedures that have been established by the United States army corps of engineers, the United States department of interior bureau of reclamation, the federal energy regulatory commission, and the United States department of agriculture natural resources conservation service are generally accepted as sound engineering practice. A written summary of the design references and assumptions that are used shall be included in the information that is submitted to the chief.

    (C) Steps to minimize erosion during construction.

    (D) Detailed cost estimates of the following:

    (1) Construction ofthe structure and its appurtenances;

    (2) Performance of construction inspections and materials testing; and

    (3) Preparation of the operation, maintenance, and inspection manual, the emergency action plan, and the as-built plans.

    The design cost for the project is not included.

    (E) For all class I structures except upground reservoirs, an emergency action plan for use during construction.

    (F) For all dams, a first filling monitoring plan.

    (G) Any other studies, investigations, and pertinent design information as may be required by the chief.

Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 3/7/2018 and 03/06/2023
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 1521.06
Rule Amplifies: 1521.06 , 1521.061
Prior Effective Dates: 04/15/1972, 10/15/1981, 12/09/1999, 01/16/2005, 05/23/2010

Prior History: (Effective: 05/23/2010
R.C. 119.032 review dates: 03/08/2010 and 05/15/2015
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 1521.06
Rule Amplifies: 1521.06, 1521.061
Prior Effective Dates: 4-15-72; 10-15-81; 12-9-99; 1-16-05 )