1501:46-14-09. Snowmobile; prohibited operation

Latest version.
  • No person between the ages of twelve and fifteen, inclusive, shall operate a snowmobile or all purpose vehicle, as defined in section 4519.01 of the Revised Code, on any lands or waters administered by the division unless such person is under direct visual and audible supervision of a parent, guardian, or person over the age of eighteen.

    No person under twelve years of age shall operate a snowmobile or all purpose vehicle, as defined in section 4519.01 of the Revised Code, on any lands or waters administered by the division.

Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 09/01/2015 and 09/01/2020
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 1546.03
Rule Amplifies: 1546.01, 1546.03 , 1546.09
Prior Effective Dates: 7/1/80

Prior History: (R.C. 119.032 review dates: 01/29/2010 and 01/25/2015
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 1546.03
Rule Amplifies: 1546.01, 1546.03, 1546.09
Prior Effective Dates: 7/1/80 )