1501:46-3-13. Littering, importing of rubbish and trash prohibited  

Latest version.
  • No person shall leave, place, or dispose of in any manner garbage, peelings of vegetables or fruit, waste, refuse, rubbish, ashes, can(s), bottle(s), wire, paper, carton(s), box(es), motor vehicle or bicycle or wagon parts, furniture, glass, oil, sewage, anything of an unsightly nature or anything of an unsanitary nature under or upon the lands and waters of the division except in a receptacle designated for that purpose. No person shall import into any area administered by the division from another place any of the listed substances or import into any area administered by the division from another place and deposit any of the listed substances in any receptacle designated for or ordinarily used by the division for the containment of such substances. No person shall import into any area administered by the division from another place any leaves, grass clippings, tree limbs, or other type of yard waste without the written permission of the chief or his designee.

Effective: 5/8/2020
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 2/20/2020 and 05/08/2025
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 1546.04
Rule Amplifies: 1546.02, 1546.20
Prior Effective Dates: 06/14/1975, 05/15/1978, 03/01/2006