1501:46-3-27. Collecting prohibited without permit  

Latest version.
  • (A) No person shall collect plants, animals, fungi, or geologic materials from any area administered by the division without first having obtained a collector's permit from the chief of the division in addition to any other required permits. Nothing contained in this paragraph shall restrict a licensed hunter or fisherman who is legally hunting or fishing in the taking of game or fish or prohibit the collecting of plants, animals, fungi, and geologic materials in an area designated by the chief as a nature study area, and so posted in accordance with rule 1501:46-3-01 of the Administrative Code. The special instructions posted for use of the nature study area shall prevail where inconsistent with the rules herein.

    (B) All persons requesting a collector's permit shall, at the time of application for such permit, provide the following information on forms provided by the division:

    (1) A program or project outline with the objective indicated;

    (2) Dates when the permit shall be needed;

    (3) Name of division administered area and specific locations of collecting therein;

    (4) Species or specimen type with number to be collected;

    (5) Equipment and method to be used for the collecting;

    (6) Name of all persons participating in collection project;

    (7) Planned disposition of specimens collected;

    (8) Qualifications of applicant.

    (C) Upon request, the permit holder shall submit a project report within sixty days after expiration of permit. Such report will include a data sheet for each area surveyed, species or other specimen type and number collected, date of collection, and all other data collected, including specific records as requested which may include, but is not limited to any of the following details:

    (1) Temperature,

    (2) Water chemistry,

    (3) Weather conditions, and

    (4) Habitat in general.

    In addition, a copy of all reports or publications derived from the data collected shall be provided to the division.

    (D) The collecting project must be conducted under the guidance of one person in charge of carrying on the project that possesses a collector's permit. Persons assisting with this project will not be required to obtain a collector's permit. However, in lieu of such, persons assisting shall carry a copy of the original collector's permit which shall be carried at all times during collecting. Persons not possessing a copy of the original permit may not participate in collecting. Any misuse or illegal collecting participated in by possessors of these copies will authorize the chief or his representative to revoke said collecting permit and to deny future collecting authorization to the violators.

    (E) Persons failing to provide full information required in this rule to the satisfaction of the chief of the division shall be denied a permit. Further failure to fulfill the requirements of the permit shall be reason for the chief to not issue future permits to the person failing to comply.

Effective: 5/8/2020
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 2/20/2020 and 05/08/2025
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 1546.04
Rule Amplifies: 1546.02
Prior Effective Dates: 06/14/1975, 05/16/1982, 11/07/2008, 12/15/2014