1501:47-7-19. Lake Roaming Rock, Ashtabula county  

Latest version.
  • (A) Definitions:

    (1) "No-wake speed" means to operate a powered vessel at a speed determined by the minimum amount of power required to maintain steerage of the craft.

    (2) "Open zone" means the waters of lake Roaming Rock which are more than seventy-five feet from the shoreline and not otherwise designated as "no-wake."

    (3) "Shore zone" means that water area of a uniform width of seventy-five feet lying parallel with and contiguous to the shoreline.

    (4) "Wake" means a track left by a watercraft causing waves or swells.

    (B) Operation:

    (1) No vessel shall operate at a speed greater than no-wake speed within the shore zone.

    (2) Powercraft operating in the open zone shall travel in a counter-clockwise direction with the shoreline on the starboard (right) side of the powercraft.

    (C) Restrictions:

    (1) No person shall use or operate any air propelled powercraft, hovercraft, wing-in-ground craft, or submersible watercraft on the waters of Lake Roaming Rock.

    (2) No watercraft may be left unattended between the hours of sunset and sunrise at beach number 1 or beach number 2.

    (3) No watercraft are permitted to come ashore, anchor, or tie up anywhere other than at an assigned location in the area of beach number 1. Watercraft may be permitted to come ashore, anchor, or tie up in areas of beach number 2 specifically designated for such use.

    (4) A watercraft shall not tow more than two skiers or other towable devices simultaneously.

    (5) No races, regattas, or other special events may be conducted on the waters of lake Roaming Rock without the express written permission of the RomeRock association board of directors.

Effective: 1/26/2018
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 11/9/2017 and 01/26/2023
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 1546.04
Rule Amplifies: 1546.02, 1547.61
Prior Effective Dates: 06/07/2004, 09/08/2012