1501:47-9-09. Administrative permits  

Latest version.
  • The chief executive officer of the Muskingum watershed conservancy district, or his/her designee, may, if he/she determines that the public safety will be adequately protected, grant written permission for over-horsepower watercraft operation(s) on Muskingum watershed conservancy district controlled waterways under the conditions described in this rule. Such a permit may be issued to safety, fire department, law enforcement, and marina maintenance personnel, for law enforcement, training, rescue, salvage, testing, and maintenance activities when necessary for safe and efficient operations. Said officer may issue such permits for houseboats and commercial passenger carrying watercraft when it is determined that greater horsepower is necessary for safe operations due to the size, shape, and weight of the watercraft.

Effective: 1/26/2018
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 11/9/2017 and 01/26/2023
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 1546.04
Rule Amplifies: 1546.04 , 1547.61
Prior Effective Dates: 09/01/1999