1513-3-09. Responsive pleadings  

Latest version.
  • (A) The reclamation commission may order a party to file a response to any request, allegation, averment, or argument made by another party in a notice of appeal or other document filed with the commission. The response ordered may be either a counter-argument or an admission or denial of averments, or other response.

    (B) Unless the commission orders otherwise, the party ordered to file a response pursuant to this rule shall have ten days from the issuance of the commission's order to make such filing.

    (C) Failure to respond as ordered may be treated as a failure to appear at hearing.

Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 10/17/2018 and 10/01/2023
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 1513.05
Rule Amplifies: 1513.13, 1514.09
Prior Effective Dates: 11/01/1984, 02/05/1999, 01/26/2009, 10/11/2013

Prior History: (Effective: 10/11/2013
R.C. 119.032 review dates: 07/03/2013 and 10/01/2018
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 1513.05
Rule Amplifies: 11513.13, 1514.09
Prior Effective Dates: 11/1/1984, 2/5/1999, 1/26/2009)