3301-101-10. Payment of scholarship amounts  

Latest version.
  • (A) Payment of scholarship amounts shall be made by warrant of the treasurer of state made payable to the eligible applicant, unless the eligible applicant authorizes, in writing, that the payment be made payable solely to the provider. Warrants shall be mailed to the address provided by the provider. Eligible applicants that authorize payment be made solely to the provider may revoke their authorization at any time by notifying the department and the provider in writing.

    (B) The maximum amount awarded to an eligible student shall be as set forth in section 3310.56 of the Revised Code.

    (C) The actual amount of each scholarship shall be the lesser of the applicable net fees or tuition charged by the provider, or the maximum amount of the scholarship. The net fees or tuition shall be the fees or tuition amount specified by the provider minus all other financial aid, discounts and adjustments received for the student. In cases where discounts are offered for multiple students from the same family, and not all students in the same family are scholarship recipients, the scholarship amount shall be the lowest tuition to which the family is entitled.

    (D) The scholarship amount shall be proportionately reduced in the case of any scholarship recipient who is not enrolled in the scholarship program and/or attending, participating and receiving special education and related services from an alternative public provider or a registered private provider for the entire school year.

    (E) In the case where a child transfers during the course of the school year to another registered provider or participating alternative provider with a different tuition, the department shall prorate the amounts paid to each provider based on the period of attendance at each provider.

    (F) In cases in which an overpayment is made on behalf of a participating student, the department shall inform the provider of the amount of the overpayment, and the provider shall refund the amount to the department. In the event that payment has been made for services that were not provided to a child by that provider, that portion of the scholarship paid to that provider shall be revoked.

    (G) In cases in which a student withdraws or is expelled from a provider, or when a student's eligibility to continue to receive a scholarship is terminated pursuant to paragraph (A) of rule 3301-101-08 of the Administrative Code, payment of the scholarship amount shall be prorated based on the number of days the student was enrolled with the provider or the services actually provided. Funded enrollment would end as of the last day of the student's attendance, or the effective date of the student's termination, whichever is earlier.

    (H) Invoices for payment for each scholarship shall identify each credentialed employee providing the service(s), an itemized list of services provided by the credentialed employee, and the amount of the service.

    (I) No scholarship funds shall be expended for services the child received prior to the start date of the scholarship and prior to placement of the child with an alternative public provider or registered provider.

Replaces: 3301-101-10

Effective: 3/28/2019
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 03/28/2024
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3301.07, 3310.64
Rule Amplifies: 3310.51, 3310.52, 3310.521, 3310.522, 3310.53, 3310.54, 3310.55, 3310.56, 3310.57, 3310.58, 3310.59, 3310.60, 3310.61, 3310.62, 3310.63
Prior Effective Dates: 02/24/2012