Chapter3301-2. Personal Information Systems  

3301-2-01. Definitions [RESCINDED]
3301-2-02. Personal information systems [RESCINDED]
3301-2-03. Personal systems security coordinator [RESCINDED]
3301-2-04. Notice of personal information systems [RESCINDED]
3301-2-05. Collection, maintenance, and use of only personal information, which is necessary and relevant [RESCINDED]
3301-2-06. Maintenance of personal information which is accurate, relevant, timely and complete [RESCINDED]
3301-2-07. Notice to persons asked to supply personal information [RESCINDED]
3301-2-08. Data subject's right to inspect personal information [RESCINDED]
3301-2-09. Investigation of data subject's dispute of the accuracy, relevance, timeliness or completeness of personal information [RESCINDED]
3301-2-10. Participation in interconnected or combined systems [RESCINDED]
3301-2-11. Security precautions [RESCINDED]
3301-2-12. Privacy instruction for department employees [RESCINDED]
3301-2-13. Contact if unauthorized access of personal information occurs [RESCINDED]
3301-2-14. Confidential personal information definitions
3301-2-15. Procedures for accessing confidential personal information
3301-2-16. Valid reasons for accessing confidential personal information
3301-2-17. Confidentiality statutes, rules, and regulations
3301-2-18. Restricting and logging access to confidential personal information in computerized personal information systems