3301-37-05. Facility  

Latest version.
  • (A) The program shall be located in a safe and convenient facility and space that accommodates the enrollment, supports child growth and development according to program objectives, and meets the requirements of section 3301.55 of the Revised Code. The space shall be for the exclusive use of the children enrolled in the preschool program when that program is in session.

    (B) The program shall provide written documentation of an annual fire inspection and approval of the facility. Annually means within twelve months of the previous fire inspection.

    (C) A phone shall be available while the program is in session.

    (D) The indoor space shall include not less than thirty-five square feet of usable, wall-to-wall, floor space for each child.

    (1) Such floor space shall not include hallways, kitchens, storage areas, or any other areas not available for the care of children.

    (2) Bathrooms shall be included only if they are used exclusively by children enrolled in the program when the program is in session.

    (3) Square footage shall determine the maximum capacity or number of children that may be served in the space. Maximum group size shall not exceed the maximum capacity in any given space but maximum group size may be less than the capacity depending upon the ages of children served in the space.

    (4) Spaces meeting the required square footage per child may be defined by barriers to serve more than one class/group of children. Barriers shall be at least thirty-six inches in height, may be permanent or nonpermanent walls, bookcases, partitions or some similar device used to define the area.

    (E) Safe play space, including both indoor and outdoor play space, totaling not less than sixty square feet for each child using the space at any one time, shall be regularly available and scheduled for use.

    (1) The surface of the outdoor play space shall offer proection from falls and shall be well drained.

    (2) The play space shall be free of hazards such as, but not limited to, broken glass, potholes, garbage, flammable materials and other debris.

    (3) The play area shall be well defined to protect children from traffic, animals, or other hazards.

    (4) Child staff ratios are maintained at all times.

    (5) Groups of children are supervised during the use of and traveling to and from the play area.

    (F) Infants and toddlers shall be provided space apart from their sleeping quarters so that each child is allowed to sit, crawl, toddle or walk, and play safely and comfortably according to his/her stage of development. :

    (G) Infants and non-ambulatory children eighteen months of age or older shall receive care in rooms on the first story with grade level exits to the outside unless approved by a certified fire safety inspector or state fire marshal. Care on a story other than the first story shall be annually approved by a certified fire safety inspector or state fire marshal. if other than the first story, the annual fire approval form prescribed by the department shall indicate the story approved for care of infants and non-ambulatory children eighteen months of age or older.

    (H) Swimming pools, wading pools, and other bodies of water two or more feet in depth shall be fenced or otherwise make the swimming pool, wading pool, or other body of water two or more feet in deep inaccessible to the children when adult supervision is not available and the pool is not in use.

Effective: 07/03/2014
R.C. 119.032 review dates: 04/10/2014 and 07/03/2019
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3301.07, 3301.53
Rule Amplifies: 3301.52 to 3301.59
Prior Effective Dates: 8/5/88, 5/28/04, 6/25/2009