3301-37-08. Child information  

Latest version.
  • (A) The parent shall provide, prior to the date of admission or not later than thirty days after date of admission, and every thirteen months from the date of examination thereafter, a medical statement affirming that the child is in suitable condition for enrollment in the program. "Prior to the date of admission" means:

    (1) For children younger than three years old at the time of admission, the examination shall occur within six months prior to the date of admission;

    (2) For children three years old or older at the time of admission, the examination shall occur within twelve months prior to the date of admission.

    (3) A preschool child with a disability shall not be excluded from the program for lack of a medical statement until the team responsible for the individualized education plan (IEP) established pursuant to Chapter 3301-51 of the Administrative Code reconvenes; exclusion from the program until the IEP is revised may be a denial of a free, appropriate public education.

    (4) The medical statement shall be provided by a physician, physician's assistant, clinical nurse specialist, or certified nurse.

    (B) The program shall secure and have on file all required information no later than the first day of attendance unless otherwise required.

    (1) The cumulative record of each child shall include but not be limited to:

    (a) Name and date of birth;

    (b) Name, address (home and/or business), and telephone number of parent(s);

    (c) Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of two persons to contact in an emergency if the parent cannot be located;

    (d) Name of persons(s) to whom the child can be released; and

    (e) Parent authorization for transportation related to the program.

    (2) The health record of each child shall include but not be limited to:

    (a) A statement signed by a licensed physician as required by paragraph (A) of this rule;

    (b) Physician's and dentist's authorization and written instructions to administer prescription medication to a child enrolled in the program;

    (c) Immunization record as required by section 3313.67 of the Revised Code, which record shall include immunizations required by section 3313.671 of the Revised Code;

    (d) A list of any allergies and treatment for said allergies;

    (e) A list of any medications, food supplements, modified diets, or fluoride supplements currently being administered to the child;

    (f) A list of any chronic physical problems and any history of hospitalization;

    (g) A list of any diseases the child has had;

    (h) Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of physician and dentist in case of emergency;

    (i) Permission of parent for emergency medical and dental care as required by section 3313.712 of the Revised Code; and

    (j) Permission of parent for emergency transportation.

    (C) The program shall maintain daily attendance records including admission and withdrawal.

    (D) The program shall notify parents when a child is injured and maintain a log of injury reports.

Effective: 07/03/2014
R.C. 119.032 review dates: 04/10/2014 and 07/03/2019
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3301.07, 3301.53
Rule Amplifies: 3301.52 to 3301.59
Prior Effective Dates: 8/5/88, 5/28/04, 6/25/2009