3301-37-12. Diapering

Latest version.
  • (A) The changing of diapers for all non-toilet-trained children shall be handled in conformity with the following methods:

    (1) The changing of diapers for all non-toilet-trained children shall occur in a space that contains a hand-washing facility. Handwashing facilities that are located elsewhere may be used if a program assures that children are safe and conditions are sanitary while toileting or being diapered.

    (2) The program shall provide disposable gloves for diapering; however, the use of gloves or hand sanitizer does not preclude requirements for proper hand washing.

    (3) If an infant's diapers are to be changed in his crib or at a central changing station, there shall be some separation material between the infant and the changing surface. The material shall be discarded and replaced after each change.

    (4) The central diaper-changing station or crib shall be disinfected after each diaper change with an appropriate germicidal agent in a manner consistent with manufacturer guidelines. If the diaper-changing station is soiled after the diaper change, it shall be cleaned with soap and water and then disinfected with an appropriate germicidal agent.

    (5) Any product used during diaper changing on more than one child shall be used in such a way that the container does not touch the child. Any product obtained applied to a child shall be applied in such a manner so as not to contaminate the product or its container. Common containers shall be cleaned and disinfected with an appropriate germicidal agent when soiled.

    (6) For the purpose of diapering, topical ointments and creams provided by parents shall include written instructions. Such instructions shall include the name of the ointment, cream, or lotion; name of the child; birth date of the child; date; and signature. written instructions shall be valid for no longer than three months. Authorization for administration of the ointment, cream, or lotion may be cancelled by written request of the parent at any time.

    (B) Storing of clean diapers shall be handled in accordance with the following methods:

    (1) A clean supply of diapers stored in a specifically designated area shall be available at all times.

    (2) Diapers or clothing used during diaper changing and brought from the child's home shall be stored in space assigned exclusively for each child's belongings. Soiled clothing and/or diapers shall be sent home daily.

    (C) Storage and laundering of soiled diapers shall be handled in accordance with the following methods:

    (1) Diapers or clothing soiled with fecal matter and sent home with a child need not be rinsed at the program facility, but may be placed directly into a container that can be sanitized or bag, sealed tightly, stored away from the rest of the child's belongings and out of the reach of children.

    (2) Soiled diapers to be disposed of or cleaned by the program shall be placed in a common plastic-lined covered container which shall be emptied, cleaned, and disinfected with an appropriate germicidal agent daily or more frequently as needed. Diapers to be laundered at the program facility should be stored in an appropriate germicidal solution until laundered.

    (3) Soiled diapers to be commercially laundered shall be held for pickup for laundering for no longer than seven days.

    (4) Diapers to be laundered at home or by the program shall be held for laundering for no longer than one day.

    (5) Soiled disposable diapers shall be discarded daily.

Effective: 07/03/2014
R.C. 119.032 review dates: 04/10/2014 and 07/03/2019
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3301.07, 3301.53
Rule Amplifies: 3301.52 to 3301.59
Prior Effective Dates: 8/5/88, 5/28/04, 6/25/2009