Chapter3301-51. Education of Students with Special Needs  

3301-51-01. Applicability of requirements and definitions
3301-51-02. Free appropriate public education
3301-51-03. Child find
3301-51-04. Confidentiality
3301-51-05. Procedural safeguards
3301-51-06. Evaluations
3301-51-07. Individualized education program (IEP)
3301-51-08. Parentally placed nonpublic school children
3301-51-09. Delivery of services
3301-51-10. Transportation of children with disabilities
3301-51-11. Preschool children eligible for special education
3301-51-13. Excuses from school attendance. [RESCINDED]
3301-51-15. Operating standards for identifying and serving students who are gifted
3301-51-20. Admission, transfer, suspension, and expulsion standard for the Ohio state schools for the blind and deaf
3301-51-21. Providing instructional material to children with visual impairments and others with print disabilities that are listed for sale by publishers with the superintendent of public instruction
3301-51-27. Cooperation with other organizations to coordinate service delivery to multineed children. [RESCINDED]
3301-51-28. Procedures for determining reimbursement for educational services to severely multiply handicapped children. [RESCINDED]
3301-51-30. Procedures for determining medicaid services for handicapped and suspected handicapped children. [RESCINDED]