3301-56-02. Reading achievement improvement plans

Latest version.
  • (A) By December 31, 2016, and by the thirty-first day of each December thereafter, each school district or community school established under Chapter 3314. of the Revised Code that meets the criteria outlined in division (A) of section 3302.13 of the Revised Code shall submit to the department of education a reading achievement improvement plan.

    (B) Each improvement plan shall contain, at a minimum, the following components:

    (1) An analysis of relevant student performance data from sources including, but not limited to, the English language arts assessment prescribed under section 3301.0710 of the Revised Code, the kindergarten readiness assessment, reading diagnostics, and benchmark assessments as applicable;

    (2) An analysis of factors believed to contribute to low reading achievement in the school district or community school established under Chapter 3314. of the Revised Code

    (3) Measurable student performance goals addressing student needs;

    (4) Strategies to meet specific student needs and improve instruction, which shall include at least both of the following:

    (a) A description of how these strategies support students on reading improvement and monitoring plans;

    (b) A description of how the district will ensure the proposed strategies will be effective, show progress, and improve upon strategies utilized during the two prior consecutive school years; and

    (5) A staffing and professional development plan that supports the strategies proposed in the report.

    (C) A school district or community school established under Chapter 3314. of the Revised Code that is required to develop an improvement plan or implement improvement strategies as required by section 3302.04, 3302.10, or another section of the Revised Code shall ensure the plan required by this section aligns with other improvement efforts.

    (D) The department shall develop a template for the plan required by this rrule and make it available for districts and schools by July 1, 2016.

Effective: 7/27/2015
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 07/27/2020
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3301.07, 3302.13
Rule Amplifies: 3302.13