3301-61-02. Career-technical education plan requirements  

Latest version.
  • (A) Each school district shall provide a plan to the department of education for providing career technical education, for students in grades seven through twelve.

    (B) Every department of education approved plan shall be updated at five-year intervals to provide a revised current listing of career-technical workforce development programs, which will be submitted to the office of career-technical and adult education.

    (C) The program listing shall reflect current and future needs of students, community, business and industry and meet criteria for secondary workforce development programs in accordance with rule 3301-61-03 of the Administrative Code.

    (D) Revisions of plans for a career-technical education planning district, individual district, or combination of districts, shall be submitted to the department of education for approval. Proposed amendments are to be submitted to the department of education, office of career-technical and adult education, by the twentieth of the month prior to the month in which they are to be considered by the department of education. In accordance with section 3313.90 of the Revised Code, in approving the organization for career-technical education, the state board of education shall provide that no school district is excluded in the statewide plan.

Effective: 2/15/2018
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 11/30/2017 and 02/15/2023
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3313.90, 3301.07
Rule Amplifies: 3313.90
Prior Effective Dates: 01/30/1975, 04/01/1989, 05/28/2004, 03/26/2015