3335-13-06. Rights to and interests in intellectual property, patents, and copyrights  

Latest version.
  • The university shall have a policy or policies on intellectual property, patents, and copyrights (hereinafter referred to as "the policy").

    (A) The intellectual properties, patents and copyrights committee of the university senate shall maintain the policy. Specifically, the committee shall review all proposed changes to the policy, and shall also have the power to initiate its own proposed changes to the policy. The chair of the committee shall also be designated as a member of the policy writing group for any revisions to the policy. Revisions shall be promulgated through the university policy process and then recommended to faculty council and the university senate. All revisions to the policy must be approved by the faculty council and the university senate, in addition to the other approvals required by the university policy process.

    (1) Membership, duties, and organization of the intellectual property, patents and copyrights committee shall be in accordance with rule 3335-5-48.19 of the Administrative Code.

    (2) The policy on intellectual property, patents, and copyrights shall include specific procedures for appeals to the intellectual property, patents and copyrights committee.

    (B) The board of trustees deems it in the best interest of the university, its faculty, staff, and students, and in the interest of the promotion of research and development to provide for participation by faculty, staff, and students in the proceeds from intellectual property conceived or developed by them as determined by the policy. The term "intellectual property" shall be defined in the policy.

    (C) The university recognizes that copyright protections are fundamental to the academic mission, and that traditional scholarly and artistic intellectual works created by faculty, staff, and students generally belong to those individual creators. There are, however, instances defined in the policy in which specific rights, titles, and/or interests in copyrightable works created by faculty, staff, and students may vest in whole or in part in the university or other entities. As such, the policy shall establish the ownership of all rights, titles, and interests for copyrightable works created by faculty, staff, and students. The technical meaning of "copyrightable works" shall be defined in the policy.

    (D) The policy shall be administered under the direction of the president of the university or his/her designee.

Replaces: 3335-13-06

Effective: 5/7/2017
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3335
Rule Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 03/13/1978, 04/27/1986, 02/14/1991, 03/26/1998, 05/23/1999, 07/02/2014