3335-8-05. University classification and course numbering system  

Latest version.
  • (A) Courses numbered 1000-1099 are undergraduate non-credit courses for orientation, remedial, or other non college-level experiences. These courses are in addition to a program's graduation requirements.

    (B) Courses numbered 1100-1999 are introductory level courses providing undergraduate credit, but shall not be counted on a major or field of specialization in any department. Courses at this level are beginning courses, required or elective courses that may be prerequisite to other courses.

    (C) Courses numbered 2000-2999 are intermediate level courses providing undergraduate credit and may be counted for a major or field of specialization.

    (D) Courses numbered 3000-3999 are upper-level courses providing undergraduate credit that may be counted toward a major or field of specialization.

    (E) Courses numbered 4000-4999 are advanced level undergraduate courses providing undergraduate credit that may be counted on a major or field of specialization. Graduate students may enroll in and receive graduate credit for 4000-level courses outside their own graduate program.

    (F) Courses numbered 5000-5999 are dual-level courses regularly offered for both graduate credit and undergraduate credit providing advanced level courses for undergraduate credit that may be counted toward a major or field of specialization or are foundational coursework and research for graduate and professional credit.

    (G) Courses numbered 6000-6999 are foundational level graduate and professional courses and research providing graduate or professional crediCourses numbered 7000-7999 are intermediate level graduate and professional degree courses and research providing graduate or professional credit.

    (H) Courses numbered 7000-7999 are intermediate level graduate and professional degree courses and research providing graduate or professional credit.

    (I) Courses numbered 8000-8999 are advanced level graduate and professional degree courses and research providing graduate or professional credit.

    (J) Courses for which graduate credit is anticipated must be taught by a member of the faculty approved by the graduate committee of the unit offering the course. Seven thousand and above level courses must be taught by members of the graduate faculty.

Replaces: 3335-8-05

Effective: 7/13/2012
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3335
Rule Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 03/13/978, 11/28/1983, 07/26/2004, 07/13/2012