3335-93-02. Powers and duties  

Latest version.
  • The university board of trustees retains its ultimate sovereign power and authority over and fiduciary responsibility for all aspects of the mission and operations of the university Wexner medical center, health sciences colleges, and clinical health care enterprises.

    Under the ultimate authority of the university board of trustees and consistent with Ohio law, the university board of trustees authorizes and designates the university Wexner medical center board to act as a governing body on behalf of the university for certain quality and patient care matters, for all of the hospitals and clinics of the university. In accordance with that responsibility, as authorized by the university board of trustees , the university Wexner medical center board will be responsible for the following:

    (A) Assuring the quality of patient care throughout the university Wexner medical center, including the planning and delivery of patient services and formation of quality assessments, improvement mechanisms and monitoring the achievement of quality standards and patient safety goals;

    (B) Oversight for the purposes of accreditation and licensure ; and

    (C) Approval of clinical privileging forms, medical and dental staff appointments, clinical privileges, medical staff operations, including the approval, adoption, and amendment of medical staff bylaws and rules and regulations, and the conducting of peer review and professional review actions for medical staff and credentialed providers within university board of trustees-defined and approved parameters.

    Any action taken by the board pursuant to the powers and duties as defined in paragraphs (A) to (C) of this rule shall be taken only by the voting, non-public members and approved by majority vote thereof.

    In addition, in accordance with that authority and responsibility authorized by the university board of trustees, and consistent with Ohio law, the university Wexner medical center board shall serve in a consultative role and shall be responsible for, subject to the review and approval of the university board of trustees, the following:

    (D) Making recommendations to the university board of trustees, university president, and executive vice president and chancellor for health affairs regarding the development and strategic allocations of resources of the university Wexner medical center, including operations, fiscal health, space and facilities management and utilization, personnel, safety and security, and technology;

    (E) Oversight of extramural affiliations, partnerships, operating agreements, and strategic business opportunities as approved by the university board of trustees, with regard to the university Wexner medical center and its affiliated entities;

    (F) Upon recommendation by the medical staff of university hospitals or the medical staff of the James, approval of medical staff bylaws amendments and recommendation thereof to the university board of trustees;

    (G) Making recommendations for approval to the university board of trustees of the purpose and governance documents of any organization established as an auxiliary service organization to the university Wexner medical center;

    (H) Monitoring and assisting the university Wexner medical center in its relationship with the public, affected communities, governmental entities, and public and private organizations;

    (I) Monitoring the university Wexner medical center integrity and compliance programs as adopted by the university board of trustees; and

    (J) Reviewing strategic plans, capital and operating budgets of the university Wexner medical center, and making recommendations for approval to the university board of trustees, university president, and executive vice president and chancellor for health affairs .

    Subject to the ultimate authority of the university board of trustees, the university Wexner medical center board will serve in an advisory and consultative role to the university board of trustees, university president, and executive vice president and chancellor for health affairs, with regard to the following areas of operation of the university Wexner medical center:

    (K) Providing general advice and guidance to the university board of trustees, university president, and executive vice president and chancellor for health affairs regarding extramural affiliations, operating agreements and other strategic business opportunities of the university Wexner medical center; and

    (L) Advising the university board of trustees, university president, and executive vice president and chancellor for health affairs regarding strategic aspects the university's education and research programs in the health sciences colleges.

Effective: 11/11/2020
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: RC 3335
Rule Amplifies: RC 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 05/22/2009, 12/03/2010, 07/31/2013, 10/04/2013, 12/03/2013, 11/26/2015