3341-10-06. Web identity

Latest version.
  • (A) Policy statement and purpose

    University websites are integral elements of BGSU's brand identity. This policy is meant to protect that identity by detailing the required design, placement, navigation and other components for all university websites.

    (B) Policy

    The following guidelines apply to the placement and usage of the base components of an official BGSU web site. The base components are the BGSU logo, global navigation and the university footer.

    (1) All university web pages must have the BGSU logo in the top left corner, coded with a link back to the university main site. Global navigation links are required along the top of the page. Quick links and search tools are required in the top right corner and bottom left corner, respectively. The university footer is also required across the bottom of the page.

    (2) Base component graphics may not be altered in any way. Though technology available on the Internet allows for many options such as animation and 3-D modeling, it is not appropriate to apply any of these techniques to any of the base components.

    (3) The usage guidelines for other logos (such as the falcon logo or university seal) on visual communications also applies to web sites. However, academic/administrative area logotypes are limited to use on the body portion of a page and can never be used in the top left corner.

    (4) Two sans serif typefaces, Arial and Helvetica, have been selected as the primary type fonts on BGSU Web style sheets. Each end-user's Intemet browser will select the appropriate typeface for their system.

    (5) BGSU's web color values (HTML) for the official identity colors can be found in the graphic standards manual. A palette of acceptable Web colors has been selected to complement the official identity colors and only these web colors can be used on official BGSU web sites. These colors are made available through the office of the chief information officer (CIO) as part of official university web templates.

    (6) For web guidelines, use policies, templates and resources contact the office of marketing and communications.

    January 1st 2014

Effective: 3/12/2015
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3345
Rule Amplifies: 3345