3341-2-02. Advertisement (posters, notices, handbills, fliers, banners, yard signs and electronic media)  

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  • (A) Policy statement and purpose

    The purpose is to define, where, when and how posting is acceptable on the Bowling Green state university campus.

    (B) Policy

    (1) Students, faculty, staff and other members of the university community may place posters, notices, or fliers on university kiosks and general-purpose bulletin boards only. All postings must be sponsored by a university organization, department or office. There is no posting permitted on departmental bulletin boards within university buildings without the permission of that particular department. Non-university groups or individuals are permitted to post on external university kiosks only.

    (2) There is no posting permitted in locations other than those designated in this policy. Specifically, there is no posting permitted on doors, vehicles, trash cans, cigarette butt holders, windows, light poles, trees, telephone poles, building signs, any other areas of a building, whether inside or outside, or any other object or area. The only exception to this policy is the posting of spirit signs on the outside of buildings by the spirit organization "SICSIC," or other exceptions as given by the dean of students.

    (3) Banners may be hung from the exterior of university residence halls with the approval of the hall director of the particular living unit. Banners, sandwich boards, lawn signs, and other self-standing, temporary forms of advertisement must be approved by the dean of students before being posted, and must not violate any other university policies. Banners (secured with rope) may be hung in the area across from the business administration building or in the Bowen-Thompson student union mall, or such areas as permitted by the dean of students. These items must be removed upon the conclusion of the event. To reserve these areas for posting banners, contact the Bowen-Thompson student union conference retain event services office, 231 Bowen-Thompson student union

    (4) Distribution or posting of advertisements, within university residences and dining facilities other than the Bowen-Thompson student union dining facilities shall be in accordance with the community living standards, found in the student handbook. The office of residence life will continue to approve posters and flyers to be placed in the residence halls and greek houses. BGSU dining will approve table tents for the dining facilities. Distributing or posting advertisements within the Bowen-Thompson student union will be approved by the Bowen-Thompson student union information center staff.

    (5) Applying messages directly on the surface of buildings or other university property is prohibited.

    (6) The use of chalk, with the exception of spray and/or paint chalk, by members of the university community to publicize campus events on sidewalks is permitted. Messages must be at least twenty feet from the entrance of any university building. Messages or information that violate university policy are subject to removal at the expense of the advertiser. The use of chalk on buildings or any other university property is prohibited.

    (7) Painting any sidewalk, grass, building or any other surface except for the spirit rock (please visit www.bgsu.edu/PaintTheRockfor schedule and rules ) is prohibited and considered vandalism.

    (8) Advertisements, posters, notices, handbills, fliers, banners, yard signs and electronic media shall not make reference to the availability or sale of alcoholic beverages with the exception of the Black Swamp pub.

    (9) The use of yard signs must receive prior approval from the dean of students.

Effective: 9/15/2016
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3345
Rule Amplifies: 3345
Prior Effective Dates: 3/12/15, 2/4/16