3341-3-07. Enrollment and registration-graduate  

Latest version.
  • (A) Policy statement and purpose

    This policy describes graduate enrollment and registration policies. CB) Policy

    (1) Enrollment and registration

    (a) Academic year and scheduling

    The academic year is divided into two semesters (fall and spring) of approximately sixteen weeks each and a summer term. The summer term is conducted as a regular part of the academic program. While some courses are offered for the full term, most are offered in one of two consecutive sessions, each complete within itself so that the student may enroll for one session or for both sessions.

    Prior to continuing student registration, a listing of course offerings is available on-line at class and course information.

    The summer school schedule is available on-line at the office of registration and records web site at http://summer.bgsu.edu/.

    (b) Registration deadlines

    Students must make a formal application for admission to the graduate college prior to registering for classes in order to receive graduate credit.

    The university requests that all graduate students register for classes at the designated time listed on the registrar's office web site. This process will allow early evaluation of low enrollment courses and the possible cancellation of sections. Register early to ensure that the graduate courses you are planning to take are offered.

    Registration may be completed at academic departments, on the web through "MyBOSU" (with a BGSU account! or at the office of registration and records. 110 administration building. Students who register during continuing student registration will be billed by the bursar. In-person registrations after fees are due must be paid by the last business day prior to the start of the term. Funded students will automatically be prepaid.

    Graduate students who use university services must be regularly registered for credit.

    (c) Credit hour load

    A full-time graduate student is defined as a student registered for eight semester hours.

    Additional credit hour requirements for holding an assistantship can be found in the college assistantship policies of the graduate college website. Audits do not count toward minimum registration loads. Graduate assistants completing a master's thesis or a doctoral dissertation should consult their advisers for appropriate registration requirements.

    Excess credit hour loads (beyond

    eighteen hours in an academic semester or beyond the twelve hour limit for summer) require approval from the dean designate of the graduate college. An excess credit fee of two hundred one hundred fifty Firelands) is charged for each hour of enrollment in excess of eighteen hours effective Spring semester 2010.

    (d) Graduate concurrent registration/enrollment

    Bowling Green state university and the university of Toledo offer graduate students enrolled in a degree program, the unique opportunity to enhance their academic experience by taking advantage of resources provided by the participating institutions through the graduate concurrent enrollment program. After receiving the approval of their graduate coordinator (BGSU)/advisor (UT) and participating graduate dean designates, students in the concurrent enrollment Program may take coursework at the host institution and receive credit on their home institution's official transcript.

    BGSU students who enroll in the concurrent graduate program at UT are required to complete a minimum of fifty one per cent of the courses in their graduate degree program on the BGSU main campus. Part-time graduate students who participate in the program pay the instructional and, if applicable, the nonresident fees at the host institution on a per-hour basis.

    Instructional and non-resident tuition fees will be waived by UT for a BGSU student who pays full-time instructional and non-resident fees as a graduate student or has been awarded a tuition scholarship grant through a graduate assistantship-based on the credit hours awarded.

    A BGSU full-time graduate student is defined as one who is registered for eight graduate credits hours per term. A UT full-time graduate student will need to be verified by UT. If the student's registration goes below the minimum credit hours defined at the home institution (i.e.,withdraws from courses during the term), then the student will be billed retroactively by the host institution and their grades at the host institution may be withheld. At BGSU, for fee paying purposes, the minimum credit hours is defined as twelve. If a BGSU student's total enrollment for the term is in excess of eighteen hours, effective Spring semester 2010, an excess credit fee of two hundred dollars is charged for each additional hour-starting with the nineteenth hour of registration. The student may be charged an excess fee retroactively from their home institution.

    Graduate students who have been awarded an assistantship at BGSU may enroll for a maximum of six credits per term at the host institution with a tuition scholarship grant for instructional and nonresident fees. However, a tuition scholarship grant can only be provided at the host institution when registration at the home institution represents at least two-thirds of the total (home + host) registration for the academic term.

    Graduate students from BGSU or UT who seek to enroll under the concurrent registration agreement must submit a completed concurrent enrollment application form (see concurrent enrollment) through the home institution. Not completing this form may result in holds on grades, registration, and transcript records. The graduate application fee, admission fee, transcripts, test scores, and letters of recommendation are not required.

    The concurrent enrollment application must be approved by both the home and host institutions; the concurrent enrollment application does not register the student for the approved course(s) to be taken at the host institution. It is the student's responsibility to register at the host institution prior to the beginning of the term specified on the application. For information on registration procedures at the host institution, consult the host institution's website or contact the host registrar's office. Regardless of any registration at the host institution, a student must register for a minimum of one credit hour at the home institution to remain in good academic standing.

    (e) Auditing a class

    Students who wish to attend a class without receiving credit for it may register to audit that course. A per-hour instructional fee is charged as if the student had registered for the course for credit. Audits do not count toward minimum registration loads, nor do they satisfy degree requirements. Please see changes in registration in this policy.

    (f) Changes in registration

    The graduate college will not approve an add of a regularly scheduled class nor the change to or from an audit after the first fourteen calendar days of fall and spring semester or the first three calendar days of each summer session. After these dates exceptions may be granted only by the dean designate of the graduate college.

    (g) Withdrawing from a course after the drop date

    A grade of "W" (withdrawn) is given, if a student withdraws from a course after the last day to drop (see drop/add policy) but before the twelfth week of a course in a fifteen week session. For summer and all other sessions, a "W" is assigned if a student withdraws after completing at least thirteen per cent but not more than eighty per cent of the session.

    A grade of "WF" (withdrawn failing) is assigned if the student withdraws after the intervals described above, stops attending (including failing to take the final exam) without processing a withdrawal, or has never attended and fails to process a withdrawal.

    It is the student's responsibility to initiate the withdrawal process within the student's college office.

    A student who officially withdraws from the university receives a "W" in all courses for the semester, unless the student has previously withdrawn from a course with a "WF."

    These provisions apply to all grading options, including "S/U." The grade of "WF" is used with zero quality points in computing the grade point average; "W" is not used in computing the grade point average.

    (h) Dismissal/withdrawal from a course

    The university reserves the right to withdraw any graduate student from any course when the student's continuance is not in the interest of the student, the class, or the university. The dismissal of a graduate student from a course and the grade and/or notation in the official record is determined by the dean designate of the graduate college after consultation with the instructor of the course. Students have the right of appeal as prescribed in the student affairs handbook.

    (i) Cancellation of registration

    The student's class schedule may be cancelled if the fees and charges are not paid prior to the beginning of each semester.

    (j) Withdrawal from the university

    Students who wish to withdraw from the university in good standing must obtain the permission of the dean designate of the graduate college. After classes begin, a student who drops all classes (even if enrolled for only one class) must withdraw from the university at the graduate college. If a student leaves the university without proper notice and permission, he or she receives a grade of WF in all courses and is not entitled to any refund of fees.

    (k) Courses for graduate credit

    All courses numbered 5000 through 7000 carry graduate credit. As a matter of policy, no courses numbered lower than 5000 carry graduate credit. Courses not approved for graduate credit cannot be taken and then added to a student's degree program for graduate credit. A graduate student who is enrolled in a graduate class open to undergraduates (4000/5000 courses) is required to do additional work of an individual nature to earn graduate credit for the course. The instructor is responsible for designating the type and amount of such work, but the graduate student must take the initiative in arranging for it within the first week of the term.

Effective: 3/24/2015
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3345
Rule Amplifies: 3345