Ohio Administrative Code (Last Updated: January 12, 2021) |
3341 Bowling Green State University |
Chapter3341-3. Graduate and Under-Graduate Policies |
3341-3-12. Graduation application and minimum registration-graduate
(A) Policy statement and purpose
This policy describes criteria for graduation application including minimum registration policy.
(B) Policy
(1) Graduation application and minimum registration
To become a candidate for a graduate degree-certificate, master's, specialist, or doctoral-the student must file an application for graduation by the published deadlines in this paragraph
(a) Fall semester: September 18
(b) Spring semester: January 26
(c) Summer semester: June 5
Students applying for graduation must do so on-line through MyBGSU - registration services. Consult with your advisor and review the graduation checklist to ensure completion of degree requirements before submitting the application.
Degree candidate deadlines are posted on the graduate college website athttp://www.bgsu.edu/graduate/graduation/degree-candidates-deadlines.html. These are firm deadlines and cannot be extended.
Please read the instructions and complete the application carefully. Once you submit your application on-line, you will get a confirmation screen. You are strongly advised to print the confirmation screen for your records. Should any technical issues occur, this is proof of your application. It is the student's responsibility to reapply for the next graduation if they do not meet the graduation requirements.
(2) Graduation- Minimum registration requirements
Graduate college policy requires that all graduate students be registered for at least one semester hour during the term in which they graduate.
Note: the student does not need to be registered at BGSU if they are completing revalidation or if they are attending another institution where they are taking a course listed on their TDP/DARS that will be transferred back to BGSU.
As an exception, immediately following a semester of enrollment, students who have completed all degree requirements prior to five o'clock p.m. on the first day of classes in the term they officially graduate, do not have to register for one hour of credit if they can satisfy all of the following conditions:
(a) Have enrolled in all required course work; and
(b) Have submitted an error-free copy of their dissertation or thesis to the graduate college, via OhioLINK (hard copy for MFA-creative writing students), for doctoral or plan I (thesis) master's students, or have completed comprehensive exam, presentation, final project, recital, portfolio, etc. if plan II (non-thesis) master's students; and will have removed all incompletes prior to the first day of classes in the term they graduate.
Date: January 2015
Promulgated Under:
Authority: 3345
Rule Amplifies: