3341-4-04. Racial and ethnic harassment  

Latest version.
  • (A) Policy statement and purpose

    The policy of Bowling Green state university is that racial and ethnic harassment will not be condoned. Moreover, the university will use its influence and encourage the community-at-large to treat its students, faculty and staff and affiliated visitors in a manner consistent with the principles of this policy. The policy is in keeping with the spirit and intent of federal, state, municipal and university guidelines governing racial discrimination.

    (B) Policy

    (1) Definition

    Racial and ethnic harassment constitutes any physical or verbal behavior that subjects an individual to an intimidating, hostile or offensive educational, employment or living environment. Such harassment:

    (a) Denigrates or stereotypes an individual because of his or her racial or ethnic affiliation;

    (b) Demeans or slurs an individual through pictorial illustrations, graffiti or written documents or material because of his or her racial or ethnic affiliation;

    (c) Makes unwarranted and disparaging references or innuendos in attributing an individual's personal conduct, habit or lifestyle to his or her racial or ethnic affiliation.

    (2) Regulations

    (a) It is a violation of university policy and the Student jfcode for any member of the faculty, administrative and classified staff or student body to engage in harassment.

    (b) It is a violation of university policy to retaliate against anyone bringing forth an honestly perceived complaint of racial or ethnic harassment.

    (3) Responsibilities

    (a) On a university-wide basis, the office of equity & diversity is responsible for the coordination and implementation of Bowling Green state university's racial and ethnic harassment policy. This office will serve as the resource with regard to all matters of this nature.

    (b) Each dean, director, department chair, and administrative head of an operational unit is responsible for the dissemination and implementation of this policy within his or her area of responsibility. Persons at this level are also responsible for referring reported incidents of racial and ethnic harassment to the office of equity and diversity.

    (c) It is expected that each faculty member, administrative staff member and classified staff member will ensure adherence to this policy within his or her area of responsibility. Such efforts are largely a matter of good faith.

    (d) It is the responsibility of all members of the university community to discourage harassment, report such incidents and cooperate in any investigation that might result.

    (4) Principles

    (a) In investigating complaints of unlawful racial or ethnic harassment, the following principles will be adhered to:

    (i) Each complaint will be handled on an individual, case-by-case basis, taking a look at the record as a whole and at the totality of circumstances.

    (ii) The investigation will be conducted as fairly and expeditiously as possible.

    (iii) In investigating complaints, every effort will be made to ensure confidentiality.

    (iv) An individual bringing forth an honestly perceived complaint will not suffer any type of retaliation regardless of the outcome of the complaint.

    (v) The complaint will be resolved in a manner that is consistent with this policy and also fair and equitable to all parties concerned.

    (vi) Nothing in this policy should be interpreted as interfering with the practice of academic freedom at Bowling Green state university.

    (vii) The purpose of this policy is to end racial and ethnic harassment, and, therefore, it may not be used by a complainant to achieve personal goals not in conformity with the purpose of this policy.

    Date: January 1, 2014

Effective: 3/4/2015
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3345
Rule Amplifies: 3345