3341-6-13. Cell phone reimbursement  

Latest version.
  • (A) Policy statement and purpose

    The university recognizes that wireless communication devices provide significant advantages for employees whose university position requires them to be mobile or to be continuously available or "on call" This policy outlines reimbursement for business related calls.

    (B) Policy

    Reimbursement of business calls, including cell phones:

    (1) BGSU will not reimburse for the cost of a personal cell phone.

    (2) BGSU will not reimburse for the monthly service charges for personal cell phones. This is the normal cost that is paid for the phone, whether or not business calls have been made.

    (3) If the personal cell phone bill has additional charges for calls made during a particular month, submit a detailed listing of calls highlighting the business calls. BGSU will reimburse for the greater of:

    (a) The total dollar amount that shows on the detailed listing for business calls only, or

    (b) The minutes of business calls for the month, divided by the total minutes of all calls, times the additional charges shown on the cell phone bill.

    (4) BGSU does not reimburse for sales tax.

    (5) For business calls made from other than a cell phone, submit the detailed listing of calls highlighting the business calls, which will be reimbursed for the amount indicated.

    Note: BGSU does not reimburse for personal calls at any time.

    Date: July 1, 1012

Effective: 3/17/2015
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3345
Rule Amplifies: 3345