Ohio Administrative Code (Last Updated: January 12, 2021) |
3341 Bowling Green State University |
Chapter3341-6. Compliance with Occupational Safety and Health Standards |
3341-6-30. ITS facility rental
(A) Policy statement and purpose
Instructors (faculty, staff and graduate students teaching university classes) may use ITS computer facilities for internal academic and administrative fimctions at no charge. These include such activities as official university classes, seminars, staff-training sessions and university users groups. Programs arranged by continuing and extended education that offer university credit are considered classes and are included in this category.
(B) Policy
All other groups using ITS computer facilities will be charged a rental fee according to the schedule below:
(1) External for profit groups will pay an hourly rate of fifty dollars for up to twenty systems and an additional two dollars and fifty cents per each system over twenty.
(2) Non-profit organizations will pay seventy-five per cent of the external rate. (University departments sponsoring a conference and charging outside fees will pay at the non-profit rate.)
If groups renting computer facilities need the assistance of information technology services staff, they will be charged at the rate of ten dollars per hour for student time. If contract or classified staff are needed, the rates are negotiable. If the facility is rented at a time that it is normally closed, there may be a charge for unlocking and relocking.
Those wishing to rent an ITS facility/area should contact Ginny Pinkelman via email at ginnyg(a),bgnet.bgsu.edu or by phone at 419-372-2006. At least five days prior notice is required. Request for rental of a facility may be denied during peak usage.
Date: August 6. 2013
Promulgated Under:
Authority: 3345
Rule Amplifies: