3342-4-01.6. Administrative policy regarding social events sponsored by registered student organizations  

Latest version.
  • (A) Definitions. A "social event" is any form of non-academic on campus entertainment sponsored by a registered student organization, to which non Kent state university student guests may be invited, that occurs after nine p.m. and at which dancing is a primary activity.

    (B) General guidelines.

    (1) All social events on the Kent campus or any regional campus will end no later than one a.m., for events scheduled Sunday through Thursday evenings; and no later than two a.m., for events scheduled Friday and Saturday evenings.

    (2) It is required that the advisor or a designee (designee needs to be identified at least three business days prior to the date of the event) to the registered student organization be in attendance.

    (3) Attendees and guests at social events must meet the following criteria.

    (a) Kent state students of the Kent campus and regional campuses may attend any social events.

    (b) Any students attending an Ohio university or college may attend social events provided they show a current university or college identification card, sign-in and are willing to be photographed or video taped for record purposes.

    (c) All other guests must be accompanied by a current Kent state university student (one guest per student) and must be at least eighteen years of age, show identification and sign-in, in order to be admitted to the event. The accompanying Kent state university student must also sign as the person sponsoring the guest at the event and by doing so accepts responsibility for the guest's behavior at the event.

    (4) Social events may not be advertised by the sponsoring organizations through off-campus radio, television or newspapers.

    (5) The director of the office of campus life may grant exceptions to any guidelines listed in this value. Organizations requesting an exemption must do so in writing no later than ten days prior to the scheduled event.

    (6) All security must be arranged ten business days prior to the scheduled event.

    (7) University departments that are sponsoring a social event or co-sponsoring with a registered student organization are strongly encouraged to seek advice and consent from the office of campus life.

    (C) Violations. Any violation of this policy will subject an event to immediate cancellation or termination and possible denial to the sponsoring organization of authorization to schedule future events.

Replaces: 3342-4- 01.6

Effective: 3/1/2015
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3341.01
Rule Amplifies: 3341.01 , 3341.04
Prior Effective Dates: 10/22/1986, 2/17/1989, 9/5/1995, 5/28/1997, 10/20/2002, 6/1/2007