3342-6-15.2. Administrative policy and procedures regarding university faculty pursuing the doctorate at the university  

Latest version.
  • Policy Statement. Enrollment of faculty in doctoral programs at the university is governed by the following specified conditions.

    (A) Untenured faculty members with the rank of instructor in the regional campus system may enroll in any doctoral program to which they are formally admitted.

    (B) Untenured assistant professors in the regional campus system may enroll for doctoral work in departments other than that in which they are teaching if such has been approved in writing by the department in which they are teaching, the department in which they plan to enroll, the associate vice president for the extended university and the appropriate graduate dean.

    (C) Tenured faculty members with the rank of instructor or assistant professor in the regional campus system may enroll for doctoral work in any department, including the unit in which they are teaching, only if. prior to enrolling they have written approval from the department, the associate vice president for the extended university and the appropriate graduate dean.

    (D) Untenured faculty with the rank of instructor or assistant professor on the Kent campus may be admitted to doctoral programs in departments other than their own if written approval has been obtained prior to enrolling from the department in which they are employed, the appropriate graduate dean, and the vice president for academic and student affairs.

    (E) Tenured faculty on the Kent campus, regardless of rank, may not enroll for doctoral work at the university.

    (F) Associate and full professors at a regional campus or the Kent campus, whether tenured or not, may not enroll for doctoral work at the university.

    (G) A faculty member may not accept tenure while pursuing a doctorate at the university whether employed at a regional campus or the Kent campus.

    (H) Regional campus faculty with the rank of instructor, whether tenured or not, and assistant professors with tenure may not, while pursuing the doctoral work in the department in which they are teaching, be eligible for membership on the department's faculty advisory committee or any other major committee in which a conflict of interest resulting form their dual status a faculty member and graduate student might occur. The determination of the existence of potential conflict of interest will be made by the department chairperson/school director and the appropriate graduate dean(s).

    (I) In other respects, the faculty member pursuing the doctorate work in this university retains all the rights and privileges normally belonging to his/her academic rank, including faculty insurance plans and retirement benefits.

    (J) In situations where untenured faculty members are working for their doctorates under the conditions set forth in paragraphs (4) to (D), and(1) of this rule, time and rank during the faculty members are pursuing the doctorate will be tolled for purposes of the tenure/promotion decision. "To toll" is a legal term meaning to stop the running of time for purposes of a statute of limitations. In each instance, a letter or memorandum will be sent by the appropriate dean to the faculty member and placed in file in the offices of the department/school, dean, and vice president for academic and student affairs to ensure that all involved understand the procedures and concur therein.

    (K) A faculty member should take not more than six hours of coursework in any one term if teaching a full load. The number of hours of coursework taken may be increased if there is a reduction in the number of hours taught. In unusual cases, exceptions may be made to this rule by the appropriate graduate and collegial deans upon request from the departmental chairperson.

    (L) If, in the opinion of the departmental chairperson, the faculty member's teaching is suffering, he or she may be required by the department chairperson to reduce the amount of coursework taken to below six hours.

Replaces: 3342-6- 15.2

Effective: 3/1/2015
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3341.01
Rule Amplifies: 3341.01 , 3341.04
Prior Effective Dates: 11/4/1977, 10/26/1979, 6/1/2007