3344-1-03. University administration  

Latest version.
  • (A) The president. The president shall be the chief executive officer of the Cleveland state university and shall be responsible within the policies and procedures established by the board of trustees for the administration of the affairs of the university. In carrying out the foregoing responsibilities and duties, the president shall:

    (1) Manage and direct the day-to-day operation of the university.

    (2) Lead in developing policies, programs and organizational units promoting teaching, research and service as primary goals of the university; and direct and promote the university's activities toward achieving these goals.

    (3) Develop and maintain long-range plans for the orderly growth of the university.

    (4) Direct the development of the capital program for the university and recommend its approval to the board.

    (5) Formulate and recommend operating budgets to the board for approval and see to it that expenditures are in compliance with approved budgets.

    (6) Present and interpret to the board of trustees proposals and actions of the faculty together with recommendations.

    (7) Ensure the application and implementation of the rules and regulations of the university.

    (8) Submit to the board of trustees information and recommendations that will contribute to the adoption of sound and progressive policies for the university.

    (9) Serve as a member of all faculties, as well as preside at the meetings of the university faculty.

    (10) Consult with and bring to the board officers for ratification the appointment of the provost, and report to the board of trustees the appointment of all deans and vice presidents.

    (11) Appoint such other administrative officers as are needed to carry out effectively the operation of the university, and delegate functions to them with the authority necessary for their proper discharge.

    (B) Term of administrative and academic appointments. No administrative or academic appointments shall be made for a term in excess of one fiscal year without the approval of the board of trustees.

    (C) Annual performance review. The board shall conduct a review of the performance of the president at the annual meeting. The president shall deliver to the board a report on the annual performance of the provost, vice presidents and deans at the same time he is being evaluated.

Effective: 5/17/2019
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 111.15
Rule Amplifies: 3344
Prior Effective Dates: 03/02/1978, 07/28/2005, 07/16/2011, 08/28/2015