3344-14-03. Membership  

Latest version.
  • (A) The faculty of the college of graduate studies shall be constituted as follows:

    (1) The president of the university, the provost and senior vice president for academic affairs, the dean, associate dean and assistant dean(s) of the college of graduate studies, and all deans of colleges of the university. All these members are ex officio and non-voting members, unless qualified under paragraph (A)(2) of this rule.

    (2) All members of the faculty under full-time contract to the university, emeritus faculty, and university administration who meet the eligibility requirements set forth in paragraph (B) of this rule, who so desire, and whose credentials have been evaluated and approved by the graduate council. All such members shall be voting members.

    (3) Special status faculty (i.e., adjunct, clinical, visiting, par-time) who meet the eligibility requirements set forth in paragraph (B) of this rule) may be recommended for non-voting graduate faculty membership by the graduate faculty of the appropriate program. These recommendations are processed through the appropriate department chairperson and college dean and submitted to the graduate council for evaluation and approval. Special status faculty are not eligible for membership on the graduate council.

    (4) Faculty emeriti who are members of the graduate faculty at the time of retirement shall continue to be voting members of the graduate faculty for the remainder of their terms. When their terms expire, graduate faculty emeriti may have their memberships renewed as non-voting members upon request. Faculty emeriti who qualify under paragraph (A)(2) of this rule shall be voting members of the graduate faculty.

    (5) In such cases where a faculty member has been judged by the graduate council not to fulfill (paragraph (C)(1) of this rule), the individual may petition the graduate college admissions and standards committee for graduate faculty membership. The recommendation of the admissions and standards committee on such petitions shall be forwarded to the graduate council for a final determination.

    (6) In such cases where a faculty member does not seek graduate faculty membership, but wishes to perform a limited number of the functions of a graduate faculty member (see rule 3344-14-04 of the Administrative Code), the individual may petition the graduate council to perform specific functions for a period not to exceed three years. Such petitions shall be considered when the contribution of the faculty member is vital to the function of the program, or in other extraordinary circumstances.

    (7) Upon request of a graduate faculty member, graduate faculty status may be extended for up to one year upon the vote of graduate council after the determination of the graduate faculty review committee that:

    (a) The faculty member requesting the extension was affected by a serious medical condition or an extended absence from work due to a reason allowed under the Family Medical Leave Act, during the period of their most recent graduate faculty membership;

    (b) That the illness or leave resulted in the member being unable to maintain the level of scholarly and creative activity necessary for a significant period of time; and

    (c) In the determination of the committee, the graduate faculty member has provided information sufficient to show that the faculty member will probably be able to meet the requirements to have graduate faculty status renewed after the extension period.

    (B) University, emeritus, or special status faculty may seek graduate faculty membership as a result of their ongoing accomplishments and demonstrated knowledge in their field. The college of graduate studies sets the levels of different graduate faculty membership and minimum requirements for each level. Academic colleges and freestanding schools may set additional requirements and define terms specific to their colleges or schools. For faculty seeking reappointment to the graduate faculty, membership criteria shall be met within the preceding five years prior to the start of a new membership term. Graduate faculty at level II or level III may apply for membership at a higher level at any time once appropriate criteria are met. Graduate faculty membership applications shall be reviewed based on a faculty member's accomplishments, not on the level of degrees offered by the faculty member's department. Graduate faculty membership criteria and guidelines should be reviewed by the graduate council every five years. Requests for exceptions to these guidelines for special situations, which may include, for example, exempting a specific faculty member from certain membership requirement(s) or a course from requiring a level I or level II faculty to teach it, should be submitted in writing and shall be reviewed by the graduate council and/or dean of the college of graduate studies.

    (C) Requirements for membership:

    (1) Level I:

    (a) Terminal degree in discipline; and

    (b) One of the following:

    (i) Two peer-reviewed journal articles, plus two peer-reviewed scholarly works as defined by the college (which may include, but are not limited to, competitive grants, refereed book chapters, refereed conference proceeding papers or presentations, etc.); or

    (ii) One scholarly peer-reviewed book in faculty member's discipline; or

    (iii) Equivalent, externally-recognized publication or creative activity appropriate to discipline

    (2) Level II:

    (a) Terminal degree in discipline; and

    (b) One of the following:

    (i) One peer-reviewed journal article, plus one peer-reviewed scholarly work as defined by the college (which may include, but is not limited to, competitive grants, refereed book chapters, refereed conference proceeding papers or presentations, etc.); or

    (ii) Equivalent externally-recognized publication or creative activity appropriate to discipline

    (3) Level III:

    (a) Appropriate graduate degree; and

    (b) Two years of professional experience

    (4) Provisional membership: Full-time faculty receiving their terminal degree within two years of seeking graduate faculty membership, but who do not fulfill the peer approval requirement, may be recommended for an initial three year membership term if they have submitted at least some evidence of their accomplishments or knowledge of their discipline for review and approval under the guidelines. At the termination of this initial membership period, continuation of graduate faculty membership shall require compliance with the criteria stated, herein.

    (D) Graduate faculty members are appointed for a five-year term, except for the provisional membership, which is valid for a three-year term, with the year of appointment serving as the first year of the term. The dean of the college of graduate studies shall maintain a current list of members of the faculty of the college of graduate studies. This list shall be distributed to the faculty annually.

Replaces: 3344-14- 02

Effective: 4/20/2014
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 111.15
Rule Amplifies: 3344
Prior Effective Dates: 5/1/1986, 9/1/2009, 8/5/2011.