3344-14-08. Administrative responsibilities

Latest version.
  • (A) Each department or other unit authorized to offer programs leading to a graduate degree shall:

    (1) Establish, within the framework of the policies of the college of graduate studies, regulations governing the administration of existing graduate degree programs;

    (2) Formulate procedures for the evaluation of the graduate degree program of each candidate and certify to the dean of the college of graduate studies those students who are advanced to candidacy for graduation, upon completion of all requirements for a graduate degree;

    (3) Have the opportunity to review for admission to a graduate degree program, all students who apply.

    (4) Establish minimum standards for admission into their programs, so long as they meet or exceed the minimum standards of the graduate college. Where departments desire to admit students who do not meet such requirements, disposition of the case shall be made with the approval of the graduate dean.

    (5) Within the framework of the policies of the college of graduate studies, review and approve applications for graduate assistantships.

    (6) Review the graduate degree program(s) offered in the department.

    (B) The office of the dean of the college of graduate studies shall:

    (1) Forward appropriate items to the graduate council and to the faculty senate.

    (2) In consultation with the president and the provost and senior vice president for academic affairs of the university, determine items to be brought before the board of trustees, and the Ohio board of regents.

    (3) Administer a centralized records center, and have the responsibility to coordinate all academic warnings, probations, and dismissals pertaining to graduate students.

    (4) Maintain a secretary for the graduate council and seek to facilitate effective communication between the administration and all university units having graduate programs.

    (5) Coordinate certain formal publications, including the graduate issue of the "Cleveland State University Catalog."

    (6) Be responsible for disseminating information on fellowships and grants and encouraging scholarly research.

Effective: 7/20/2015
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 111.15
Rule Amplifies: 3344
Prior Effective Dates: 5/1/1986, 9/1/2009, 8/5/2011, 4/20/2014