3344-16-14. University teaching council

Latest version.
  • (A) The university teaching council shall consist of:

    (1) Fifteen faculty members eligible under paragraph (B) of this rule, two from each of the seven academic colleges and one from the school of nursing. Eligible faculty members shall be nominated by the deans of their respective colleges and submitted to the provost by May first each year. The provost will approve the nominations and notify incoming council nominees by August fifteenth. The term of service for regular members is three years, from September first to August thirty-first.

    (2) The director of the center for faculty excellence, serving as chairperson.

    (3) One undergraduate and one graduate student representative.

    (4) The director of general education as a non-voting member.

    (5) Other non-voting members may include liaisons from eLearning, the university library or other relevant units involved in supporting teaching as deemed necessary by the chair of the council.

    (B) Eligible faculty:

    To be considered eligible for appointment to the university teaching council, nominees must be well-recognized, excellent teachers as indicated by department chair, peer and student recommendations, nationally recognized scholarly activity, or other appropriate indicators; be able and willing to attend meetings on a regular basis and actively participate in the deliberations and activities of the university teaching council.

    (C) The university teaching council shall be charged with the following responsibilities:

    (1) Teaching policies: review and advise university faculty affairs committee regarding all proposals for policies concerning teaching activities; review and advise the faculty, deans, and provost on all proposals for new programs designed to enhance teaching excellence and success.

    (2) Internal funding programs: review and recommend changes to the provost on internal funding programs for supporting and developing teaching. The university teaching council will also be requested to participate in reviewing proposals for internal competitions and awards, ranking the proposals and forwarding recommendations for funding to the provost.

    (3) Provost's teaching summit: plan and implement the annual provost's teaching summit.

    (4) Bylaws of the university teaching council: The university teaching council shall develop bylaws and procedures.

    (5) Committees: appointment and discharge of such committees as deemed appropriate. These committees may include members outside the university teaching council, including external to the university.

    (6) Best practices: develop and communicate best practices pertaining to teaching for dissemination to the faculty through the center for faculty excellence.

Effective: 2/25/2019
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 111.15
Rule Amplifies: 3344