3344-3-01. Naming gift opportunities

Latest version.
  • (A) Purpose

    This rule sets forth university-wide guidelines for naming gift opportunities at Cleveland state university ("CSU" or the "university").

    (B) General inform ati on

    (1) Significant gifts to the university through the Cleveland state university foundation (the "foundation") will provide opportunities for donors to name a program, building, space, unit, scholarship, faculty fund, etc. in honor of the donor/s or another person/s recommended by the donor/s. Each naming gift must be accompanied by a gift agreement approved and executed by the donor/s or his/her representatives, the foundation, and the college, school, department, or program that is to benefit from the gift and, in some instances, the university.

    (2) The funding amount is determined on a case-by-case basis, but governed by the guidelines set forth in this rule. The dollar amounts listed below are minimums, unless stated otherwise. If significant ongoing costs will be incurred to maintain the space/structure of a named building or physical space, an endowment sufficient to cover these annual costs may also be required.

    (3) Prior to discussing the proposed gift amount with the donor(s), the specific naming gift amount must be approved by the vice president of university advancement and executive director of the foundation as well as the president or the appropriate university administrator.

    (4) The university president brings suggestions for naming gifts valued at or over one million dollars to the board of trustees along with either a proposed philanthropic investment or a justification as to why a particular college, school, center, institute, academic or other program, structure, or space should be named in honor of an individual or company. In addition to the specific guidelines detailed in this rule, the Cleveland state university board of trustees may also take into consideration non-quantifiable factors such as location, architecture, and general character of the use of the building or space and how its function ties in with the university community and the general public.

    (5) In the event the donor is endowing an academic program or position, an approval process led by the provost should occur before the acceptance of the gift.

    (6) If the project is being reserved for a donor who is making provisions through a deferred gift arrangement, an appropriate amount may be added to the required gift minimum for inflation in anticipation of the future estate commitment expectancy. Seed money for a named project or program will be accepted only if there is a reasonable expectation that full funding can be achieved through some combination of sources and a written, binding agreement is executed between the donor(s), the foundation and, possibly, the university.

    (7) Naming will not take place until the university and the foundation have a signed gift commitment in hand. In the event the pledge by a donor is not fulfilled, the naming opportunity at the LJniversity may be forfeited.

    (8) This rule applies to buildings or structures owned by the university or a related entity, or built on university owned land by the private sector through a lease or other arrangement. Buildings, rooms and spaces within buildings, courtyards, and other public spaces are typically named in perpetuity or as long as the structure or space is in use by Cleveland state university.

    (9) The board of trustees has final approval for all naming opportunities at the university. However, to expedite the approval process, the board authorizes the president and vice president, university advancement and executive director, CSU foundation to do the following:

    (a) Coordinate gift agreements and naming designations on their behalf and to inform members of the university community affected by such gifts.

    (b) Make decisions regarding naming opportunities for gifts valued under one million dollars.

    (c) Make recommendations to the board of trustees with regard to naming opportunities for gifts valued at or over one million dollars.

    (10) Commemorative naming of buildings and other physical space for those who have made significant contributions in service, support or honor of the university shall be considered upon recommendation of the associated dean or university executive. For spaces valued under one million dollars, the president shall have final approval, and for spaces valued at or over one million dollars the board of trustees shall have final approval.

    (C) Buildings

    Specific dollar amounts to name buildings will be determined on a case-by-case basis using the following general guidelines:

    (1) New buildings: Minimum of twenty-five per cent of construction costs.

    (2) Existing buildings: Addressed on a case-by-case basis. An appropriate value should be established at the time renovation plans are considered to add a donor's name to an existing building.

    (3) Naming opportunities involving buildings must be approved by the president and the board of trustees based upon the recommendations of the following:

    (a) The vice president, university advancement & executive director, CSU foundation; and

    (b) The provost or other appropriate vice president and/or dean/director.

    (4) A proposal to name a building should be approved by the president before the proposal is delivered to a prospective donor.

    (5) In all cases, a minimum contribution of one million dollars is required to name a building.

    (D) Other physical buildings and spaces

    Large laboratory


    Mid-size laboratory


    Small laboratory


    Lecture hall (large)


    Lecture hall


    Large classroom


    Mid-size classroom


    Small classroom


    Dean/department office suite


    Conference room


    Benches, fountains, works of art, outdoor plantings, other outdoor structures or areas

    Handled on a case-by-case basis

    (1) Naming opportunities for other physical spaces should be defined by the unit head and approved by the vice president, university advancement and executive director, CSU foundation in consultation with others as necessary.

    (2) Funding amounts will be based on location, structure, and function. In general, gift funds must cover the entire cost of the structure or installation. If significant ongoing costs will be incurred to maintain the space/structure, an endowment sufficient to cover these annual costs may also be required.

    (E) Academic or other major university units







    University-wide center/institute


    Program and other center/institute


    (1) The dollar amounts shown in the table are minimums. Some colleges, schools, departments, institutes, centers, and programs may require larger gift amounts for naming.

    (2) Any private gift associated with the naming of any college, school, department, institute, center, and program should be sufficient to enable the named academic or university unit to reach a level of excellence that would have been extremely difficult using state or university funds alone.

    (F) Naming related to the Bert L. and Iris S. Wolstein convocation center

    The responsibility for naming rights in and on the Cleveland state university convocation center falls to two parties as follows:

    (1) The internal arena sponsorship areas are assigned to student affairs. Select interior spaces, including the locker rooms and family room, are governed by this document and fall to the division of university advancement, working in coordination with the departments of athletics and student affairs.

    (2) External gate signs: A minimum of seventy-five thousand dollars per year for any one of the four outside entrances originally designated as gates "A" through "D" is required. This amount will be reviewed on an as-needed basis and may be modified with approval by the board of trustees. External gate signage will have a naming duration of three to five years after which time the area becomes marketable again. Any charges associated with creating the external gate signs will be taken from the original gift amount. After those charges are paid, fifty per cent of the remaining revenue from this source shall be returned to student affairs to be placed in the convocation center's capital reserves.

    (G) Faculty positions

    Chair (endowed)


    Chair (term)

    $250,000 or $50,000 per year for at least five years

    Deanship (endowed)


    Deanship (term)

    $250,000 or $50,000 per year for at least five years


    professorship/directorship (endowed)


    Distinguished professorship/directorship (term)

    $125,000 or $25,000 per year for at least five years

    Faculty scholar (endowed)


    Faculty scholar (term)

    $62,500 or $12,500 per year for at least five years

    (1) The gift amounts indicated in the table are the minimum amounts to name faculty positions. Individual colleges, schools, and departments, in consultation with the provost, may require amounts above these minimums. Variables include whether or not the position is new or a replacement hire and the nature of the position. Earnings from endowed faculty positions may fully or partially fund the occupant's salary and may also be used to provide related program funding, professional development, continuing education, release time for research and writing, and other academic needs.

    (2) Named chairs will be faculty positions to be filled by a truly outstanding scholar and teacher, as judged by rigorous, nationally accepted standards, who can help transform a department or discipline. The title "endowed chair" is among the highest honors Cleveland state university may award to a faculty member. The reputation of the individual appointed to an endowed chair will reflect a special understanding of their particular field of study.

    Endowed chair holders at Cleveland state university will constitute a small cadre of exceptionally gifted professors whose names evoke immediate acknowledgement and respect in academic circles. This award typically supplements existing budgeted salaries and operating revenues. Areas such as science, engineering, or other academic programs, which require laboratory equipment, may require additional funding.

    (3) Named deanships help the university attract and retain outstanding scholars and administrators to lead its academic programs. This award typically supplements existing budgeted salaries.

    (4) Named professorships/directorships will be occupied by exceptionally gifted scholars and teachers, whose accomplishments indicate potential for national and international leadership and distinction in their field, as evidenced by superior records of research, other scholarly activity, and teaching.

    (5) Named faculty scholars recognize faculty members who show exceptional promise as scholars and teachers.

    (6) The annual allocation of funds to support these positions will be authorized by the dean of the school or college with which the funded position will be associated, subject to the approval of the provost and in accordance with university policy.

    (H) Distinguished scholars and lecture series

    Distinguished scholar (endowed)


    Distinguished scholar (term)

    $200,000 or $40,000 per year for at least five years

    Presidential lecture series (endowed)


    Presidential lecture series (term)

    $75,000 or $15,000 per year for at least five years

    Visiting lecture series (endowed)


    Visiting lecture series (term)

    $37,500 or $7,500 per year for at least five years

    (1) Named distinguished scholars are persons in the forefront of their disciplines who become a part of the university community for a specified period of time.

    (2) Presidential lecture series will bring to the university a variety of outstanding individuals with broad experience and expertise whose presentations will have university-wide, community, and interdisciplinary appeal.

    (3) Approval for distinguished scholars and presidential lecture series must be granted by the president based on recommendations of the provost, vice president, university advancement & executive director, CSU foundation, and the appropriate vice president and/or dean/director.

    (4) Visiting lecture series will bring to the university, for short stays, a variety of individuals with experience and expertise relevant to the special interests of particular colleges, schools, departments, or other units.

    (5) Approval for visiting lecture series must be granted by the provost based on recommendations of the vice president, university advancement and executive director, CSU foundation and the appropriate vice president or dean/director.

    (I) Scholarships and fellowships

    Scholarships (endowed)


    Scholarships (term)

    $12,500 or $2,500 per year for at least five years

    Graduate fellowships (endowed)


    Graduate fellowships (term)

    $25,000 or $5,000 per year for at least five years

    (1) Scholarships help make it possible for talented and deserving undergraduate students to earn Cleveland state university degrees. Scholarships may be awarded based on a mix of criteria including academic merit and financial need. While specific criteria for eligibility for scholarships may be established, flexibility contained in the gift agreement will allow the university to be most successful in recruiting students with the greatest potential.

    (2) Fellowships are a form of financial aid typically reserved for capable and deserving graduate students.

    (J) Other naming opportunities

    Fund for excellence (endowed)


    Fund for excellence (term)

    $12,500 or $2,500 per year for at least five years

    Teaching, service, research and staff awards (endowed)


    Teaching, service, research and staff awards (term)

    $12,500 or $2,500 a year for at least five years

    Library fund (endowed)


    Library fund (term)

    $12,500 or $2,500 a year for at least five years

    (1) Funds for excellence may be established in support of a college, school, department, academic discipline, or other university program. Such funds may be used to enhance the selected programs in a variety of ways, including support for research, faculty development, scholarly travel, and/or for other educational enrichment activities.

    (2) Teaching, service, research, and staff awards will recognize outstanding performances by faculty members and professional or administrative staff members. The college, school, department, or unit typically will choose recipients.

    (3) Library funds may be established to support the purchases of monographs, journals, electronic databases, subscriptions and other materials.

    (4) Other funds that support faculty development, classroom enhancements, etc. may be established by individual colleges, schools, departments, or units.

    (K) Removing names

    (1) The board of trustees reserves the right to remove the names of donors whose names are attached to one or more of the naming opportunities described in this rule for any one of the following reasons:

    (a) The donor defaults on the terms of the gift agreement; or

    (b) The donor is subsequently convicted of a felony or otherwise engaged in conduct that in the sole discretion of the board of trustees, is injurious to the reputation of the university.

    (2) In the event that a named building or other physical space ceases to exist the university will make every effort to continue to commemorate memorial or benefactor recognition in an appropriate way.

    (L) Review procedures

    The vice president, university advancement and executive director, CSU foundation is responsible for reviewing these guidelines and operating principles as needed - but at least every five years - and recommending changes to the board of trustees.

Effective: 6/1/2015
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 111.15
Rule Amplifies: 111.15