3344-48-02. Education and consent  

Latest version.
  • (A) At the beginning of each academic year, a presentation shall be made to all student-athletes in order to outline and review the CSU drug education and screening program, its purposes, implementation, and sanctions. Attendance at this presentation is mandatory for all student-athletes.

    (B) A copy of this program shall be made accessible to each student-athlete in the CSU student-athlete handbook which can be obtained on the athletic department webpage (www.csuvikings.com) or in hard copy, upon request.

    (C) As part of the yearly pre-participation physical exam, each student-athlete shall be asked to sign a form prior to participation verifying knowledge and understanding of the program, providing consent to the administration of the urinalysis testing required by the program, and permitting the release of testing results to a limited group (appendix A).

    (D) A copy of this program shall be made accessible to all CSU coaching and athletic department staff. Updates shall be reviewed at the start of each academic year during an all-staff departmental meeting.

    (E) All coaches are expected to support the efforts of the department of athletics to ensure the athletics program is drug-free, and that CSU student-athletes are informed of the risks involved in drug use. Coaches regular contact with the student-athletes provides an excellent opportunity to counsel and educate along with the assistance of other departmental and university staff members.

    (F) Additional resources can be found at: NCAA: www.ncaa.org/health-safety dietary supplement resource exchange (REC): www.drugfreesport.com/axis.

    Click to view Appendix

Effective: 10/27/2019
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 111.15
Rule Amplifies: 3344
Prior Effective Dates: 04/13/2006, 02/17/2014, 03/09/2015