3344-69-06. Allowable lodging expense  

Latest version.
  • (A) The employee will be reimbursed for the actual reasonable expense for lodging in a hotel or motel. Reimbursement is for room and applicable taxes only. Reasonableness is determined by the appropriate supervisor. Use of a pcard is permitted.

    (B) Original itemized receipts are required to support the reimbursement claim for the expense of lodging.

    (C) Cost of lodging of members of the traveler's family is not reimbursable.

    (D) Tips associated with lodging are incidental expenses as defined in paragraph (G) of rule 3344-69-07 of the Administrative Code.

Effective: 8/20/2015
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 111.15
Rule Amplifies: 3344