3344-81-03. Committees  

Latest version.
  • (A) The number, composition, areas, and missions assigned to visiting committees shall be determined by the board chairman in consultation with the chair of the board committee overseeing the visiting committees, the president and academic and administrative officers of the university. A range of fifteen to twenty-five members on visiting committees shall be considered optimum, preferably not to exceed thirty-five members total on any visiting committee.

    (B) The nomination process for candidates to visiting committees shall be developed and implemented by the dean of each college or director of each division or department with a visiting committee. Nominees should be knowledgeable about or experienced in the areas in which they are asked to serve. Members of the faculty, staff, or currently enrolled students may not serve on visiting committees, but may serve as support staff ( e.g. secretary, development officer) for the committees. University executives-in-residence may serve on visiting committees in their respective colleges. The current membership roster for each visiting committee shall be submitted to the secretary of the board of trustees on or before September first of each year.

    (C) Appointments to visiting committees will be for one three- year term. Members are eligible for reappointment to a second three-year term. Committee members whose second term has expired may be eligible for emeritus status as determined by the dean of each college or director of each division or department with a visiting committee.

    (D) The chair of each visiting committee may be appointed by the dean or division or department director for no more than three years. A chair-elect shall be appointed in the penultimate year of each chair's term to provide continuity of leadership. Nominations for candidates for chair and chair-elect may be submitted to the dean or division or department director.

    (E) Vacancies on visiting committees shall be filled by appointment by the dean, division or department director based upon the recommendation of the visiting committee chair.

    (F) A person appointed to a visiting committee as a representative of a public institution or agency will be replaced on the committee by his or her replacement at said institution or agency in the event he or she separates from that association.

    (G) Any desired deviation from the bylaws due to extraordinary circumstances must be justified and appealed to the board chairman, chair of the board committee overseeing visiting committees and the president.

Effective: 1/22/2017
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 111.15
Rule Amplifies: 3344
Prior Effective Dates: 10/13/1980, 04/18/1986, 3/30/2006, 8/28/2015