Ohio Administrative Code (Last Updated: January 12, 2021) |
3349 Cleveland state university, Kent state university, the university of Akron and Youngstown state university - Northeast Ohio medical university |
Chapter3349-3. Faculty Rules |
3349-3-71. Appendix G college of pharmacy standing committees
(A) Purpose
To establish the name, membership, manner of membership selection and appointment; and to delineate the authority of the standing committees of the college of pharmacy.
(B) Definitions
(1) "Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education" or "ACPE". The accreditation council for pharmacy education is the accrediting body of the college of pharmacy.
(2) "College". A college is a collective body of faculty who prescribe and conduct a course of study leading to the award of a degree or degrees. Herein, the college of pharmacy shall be "COP" and the college of medicine shall be "COM".
(3) "Core Faculty". Core faculty are tenured, tenure track and non-tenure track faculty who make a substantive contribution to the college. The dean of a college has the discretion to designate other faculty as core faculty to promote the purposes of the college.
(4) "Dean". The dean is the chief academic and presiding officer of the each of the respective colleges of the university. The authority and responsibilities of the deans are further defined in paragraphs (A), (B), (C), and (D) of rule 3349--05 of the Administrative Code.
(5) "Faculty Standing Committees". The faculty standing committees are appointed to represent the college faculty in interests related to the mission, role and functions of the college. These committees shall develop policy and provide recommendations to the faculty for governance of the areas of academic business set forth herein. This appendix sets forth the charges, composition and other matters concerning the admissions, committee on academic and professional progress (phase one and two and executive review), curriculum, outcomes assessment, pharmacy executive committee, and student and faculty awards committees. The charge, composition and other matters governing faculty appointment, promotions and tenure committees are set forth in separate appendices to the bylaws.
(6) "Pharmacy Executive Committee". The pharmacy executive committee is a committee composed of the dean of pharmacy, associate deans, department chairs and a college of pharmacy university council representative, selected by the faculty that sets policy and determines overall strategic direction for the college of pharmacy.
(7) "Voluntary Faculty". Faculty who do not meet the criteria established for core faculty. These faculty have roles that are generally limited to formal and informal teaching on a periodic basis. These faculty may or may not receive modest honoraria for their teaching contributions.
(C) Committees
(1) Name and function
The names and functions of the standing committees may be altered from time to time upon recommendation of the dean or the pharmacy executive committee, and a majority vote of the voting college core faculty.
(2) Subcommittees
The standing committees may develop such subcommittees as are necessary to conduct their business. Such subcommittees may include persons other than standing committee members.
(3) Reporting
(a) Standing committees shall submit recommendations for substantive policy changes to the dean who will consult with the pharmacy executive committee.
(b) Standing committees shall submit a cumulative written report of its activities each academic year to the dean who will make the report available to the pharmacy executive committee for review. Such committees will make regular reports to the college core faculty at each meeting, or at least quarterly.
(4) Meetings
(a) Meetings will be held at a time and manner that will promote participation.
(b) These meetings may be held either in person or via video conference and teleconference or by any other modality that will allow all the members to hear each other and participate at the same time.
(c) Any member may request that he/she be allowed to participate via electronic means. The committee chair will take reasonable measures to accommodate such requests.
(d) When meeting via electronic means, a member who wants to speak should identify him/herself.
(e) The college core faculty shall use Robert's Rules of Order newly revised to facilitate their meetings unless it is in conflict with the bylaws.
(5) Voting
(a) Usually voting will take place at the meeting, whether the meeting is held in person or by electronic means. Voice votes are most common; however, written ballots may be used when requested.
(b) Votes may also be taken by mail or by email when a full vote of the membership is desired. The committee chair shall determine who has a right to vote and will send ballots only to those persons who are voting members.
(6) Minutes
Minutes of the standing committees, shall be kept to record the actions of the committee and shall be available on the university intranet. Hard copies will be made available for review in the library.
(7) Nominations
(a) The office of faculty affairs shall annually notify all constituencies in writing of expiring terms of the committee members of the standing committees of the college of pharmacy in order to solicit nominations for consideration by the pharmacy executive committee. The dean of the college of pharmacy appoints members of the standing committees after consultation with the pharmacy executive committee.
(b) Self-nominations and other nominations are encouraged and accepted.
(c) When requested, department chairs are expected to submit a list of nominations from each department.
(8) Membership
(a) A faculty committee is a body to which a trust is committed. A committee is delegated responsibility to consider, to investigate, to take action on, or to report on important faculty matters.
(b) The membership of all committees shall reflect whenever possible the diversity of the college unless otherwise required by accrediting standards and guidelines or other governing law or regulation.
(c) Terms of appointment are normally three years beginning July first unless otherwise specified. Following the restructuring of a committee's composition, terms may be initially staggered to provide for continuity.
(d) Members shall attend at least fifty per cent of the regularly scheduled meetings of the committee. A member may be replaced prior to the completion of a term upon the request of the committee chair, with approval by the dean, when the member has failed to meet the attendance requirements.
(9) Notification
The college of pharmacy dean shall appoint and reappoint all members. The office of faculty affairs will notify members in writing of committee appointments, reappointments and removals.
(10) Quorum
The majority of members present at a meeting, whether in person or via electronic means, of the standing committees constitute a quorum unless otherwise specified in the rules.
(D) Committee charge and membership
(1) Admissions committee
The purpose of the college of pharmacy admissions committee is twofold: to oversee the admissions process by setting guidelines for the selection of the colleges' students in accordance with all applicable requirements and standards on selection, the university board of trustees' admissions policy, and other policies promulgated by the university or college; and to insure that the faculty have final responsibility for the selection of their respective students in order to make individual candidate recommendations to the dean.
(a) The committee will make regular reports, or at least quarterly, to the pharmacy executive committee and college core faculty.
(b) Members serve four year staggered terms; membership totals ten voting, five alternates and three ex-officio without vote members:
(i) College of pharmacy core faculty member (chair) [in addition to faculty listed below];
(ii) Three (one being an alternate) pharmacy practice faculty;
(iii) Three (one being an alternate) pharmaceutical sciences faculty;
(iv) Two pharmacy students (upper class members);
(v) Two pharmacy student alternates (lower class members) with vote in absence of upper class members;
(vi) One college of medicine core faculty member;
(vii) One college of medicine clinical faculty member;
(viii) Two voluntary faculty (one being an alternate);
(ix) Chief student affairs officer (ex-officio without vote);
(x) Director of admissions (ex-officio without vote); and
(xi) Assistant director of diversity for admissions (ex-officio without vote).
(c) All admissions committee members must be actively involved in the teaching or advising of college of pharmacy students.
(2) Committee on academic and professional progress "CAPP"
The purpose of phase one and phase two committees on academic and professional progress committee on academic and professional progress is to evaluate academic performance, assess professional readiness for continued studies, and determine appropriateness of curricular leave. The committee on academic and professional progress process includes timely notice of the committee on academic and professional progress referral, disclosure of evidence on which the referral is based, an opportunity for the student to respond, and an opportunity for due process. The committee on academic and professional progress process is designed to enforce specific guidelines for academic advancement and to determine acceptable academic standing for curricular leave, while at the same time providing for a review of each student's individual situation. all committee on academic and professional progress meetings are private and all material presented and discussed is confidential.
(a) The college of pharmacy does not have a "phase one" committee on academic and professional progress committee, however, the nomenclature from the "phase two" is applied to this committee for purposes of consistency across the university.
(b) Phase two committee on academic and professional progress membership is appointed by the faculty. College of pharmacy faculty members are appointed by the pharmacy executive committee and college of medicine faculty members are appointed by the college of medicine senior leadership group (nominating and membership committee).
(c) Voting faculty members serve three year staggered terms. Student members (primarily student curriculum leaders) are selected based on recommendation from student peers and the chief student affairs officer, and appointed by the council of deans.
(d) Decisions made by committee on academic and professional progress are recommendations to the respective college dean and must be approved before decisions are released to students. The executive director of enrollment services will then communicate, in writing, the committee decision to the student.
(e) The phase two committee on academic and professional progress membership totals eleven voting and two non-voting members:
(i) Nine core faculty college of medicine and college of pharmacy (co-chairs; one from college of medicine and one from college of pharmacy)
(ii) One fourth year pharmacy student
(iii) One fourth year medicine student
(iv) One third year pharmacy student (non-voting)
(v) One third year medicine student (non-voting)
(vi) Chief student affairs officer (ex-officio without vote)
(vii) executive director, enrollment services (ex-officio without vote)
(3) Executive review, committee on academic and professional progress committee on academic and professional progress
The purpose of the executive review committee is to review committee on academic and professional progress decisions when formal review is granted by the executive review chair. An executive review of a committee on academic and professional progress decision is not automatic. The executive review committee on academic and professional progress chair will evaluate all requests for review. Requests reviewed must contain significant new information that was not available for presentation at the committee on academic and professional progress meeting or a concern about a procedural problem.
(a) Executive review committee on academic and professional progress membership is appointed by the respective college. College of pharmacy faculty members are appointed by the pharmacy executive committee and college of medicine faculty members are appointed by the college of medicine senior leadership group (nominating and membership committee).
(b) Voting faculty members serve three year staggered terms.
(c) Decisions made by executive committee on academic and professional progress are recommendations to the respective college dean and must be approved before decisions are released to students. The executive director of enrollment services will then communicate, in writing, the committee decision to the student. Executive committee decisions are final and binding.
(d) The executive review committee on academic and professional progress membership totals six voting, two non-voting and two ex-officio without vote:
(i) Associate dean for academic affairs - pharmacy (serves as non-voting chair based on college of student being discussed; non-voting member)
(ii) Associate dean for academic affairs - medicine (serves as non-voting chair based on college of student being discussed; non-voting member)
(iii) Phase two committee on academic and professional progress college of pharmacy co-chair
(iv) Five core faculty
(v) Chief student affairs officer (ex-officio without vote)
(vi) Executive director, enrollment services (ex-officio without vote)
(4) Curriculum committee
The college of pharmacy curriculum committee "CC" has decision-making and policy-making authority responsible for the administration of the curriculum.
(a) The college of pharmacy curriculum committee will make regular reports, or at least quarterly, to the pharmacy executive committee and the college of pharmacy core faculty. The college of pharmacy curriculum committee will communicate to the students and faculty about changes in curriculum, in accordance with accreditation council for pharmacy education standards and guidelines.
(b) A faculty member appointed by the dean will serve as chair and another will serve as vice chair. Members serve three year staggered terms; membership totals nine or eleven voting and two ex-officio without vote:
(i) Associate dean for academic affairs -pharmacy (ex-officio without vote);
(ii) Three or four pharmaceutical sciences faculty;
(iii) Three or four pharmacy practice faculty;
(iv) Associate dean for academic affairs - medicine (ex-officio without vote);
(v) Manager of assessment;
(vi) Pharmacy student representative, student curriculum council; and
(v) One pharmacy voluntary faculty member.
(5) Outcomes assessment committee
The outcomes assessment committee "OAC" has decisionmaking and policy-making authority responsible for the evaluation of the curriculum.
(a) The outcomes assessment committee will make regular reports, or at least quarterly, to the pharmacy executive committee and college core faculty. The outcomes assessment committee will communicate to the students and faculty about changes regarding assessment, in accordance with accreditation council for pharmacy education standards and guidelines.
(b) A faculty member appointed by the dean will serve as chair and another will serve as vice chair. Members serve three year staggered terms; membership total nine or eleven voting and two ex-officio without vote:
(i) Associate dean for academic affairs - pharmacy (ex-officio);
(ii) Three or four pharmaceutical sciences faculty;
(iii) Three or four pharmacy practice faculty;
(iv) Associate dean for academic affairs - medicine (ex-officio without vote);
(v) Manager of assessment;
(vi) Pharmacy student representative, student curriculum council; and
(vii) One pharmacy voluntary faculty member.
(6) Pharmacy executive committee
The purpose of the pharmacy executive committee "PEC" is to set policy and strategy for the overall college of pharmacy; assist in the rational allocation of resources; provide recommendations for college of pharmacy committees, task forces and groups; provide input concerning university issues of importance; assist in other matters of strategic and tactical importance to the college of pharmacy. All matters will be executed in conjunction with the dean.
(a) Terms of membership will be ongoing coincident with the faculty member's role as a college of pharmacy leader, but shall serve at the pleasure of the college dean.
(b) Pharmacy executive committee membership will be chosen by the college dean but reflect the diversity of the college leadership and include faculty representation.
(c) From time to time the membership of pharmacy executive committee may be modified to assure appropriate input and breadth of experience.
(d) Pharmacy executive committee membership includes:
(i) Associate dean for academic affairs - pharmacy;
(ii) Chair, department of pharmaceutical sciences;
(iii) Chair, department of pharmacy practice;
(iv) Vice chair of the core faculty council, as elected by the core faculty council who is responsible for preparing agenda items suggested by the faculty;
(v) Dean, college of pharmacy who serves as chair; and
(vi) Other individuals as designated by the dean;
(7) Student and faculty awards committee
The student awards committee is responsible for establishing criteria for student and faculty awards presented by the college.
(a) The committee will make regular reports, or at least quarterly, to the pharmacy executive committee and college core faculty.
(b) Appointments will be made by the dean from recommendations of the department chairs (faculty) and chief student affairs officer (students). Members will serve three year staggered terms. The membership totals eight voting and three ex-officio without vote:
(i) Chief student affairs officer (ex-officio without vote);
(ii) Director of professional development and advising (ex-officio without vote);
(iii) Director of instructional laboratories and professional relations, chair;
(iv) Executive director of enrollment services (ex-officio without vote);
(v) Two core faculty members from each department; and
(vi) Three pharmacy student representatives.
(E) Expert consultation
The chair of a given committee may request the attendance and participation of expert consultants as is necessary to promote the purposes and goals of the committee.