3349-8-75. Probationary periods for classified civil service employees  

Latest version.
  • (A) Purpose

    To establish a rule for a probationary period for all classified civil service employees during the initial period of employment.

    (B) Scope

    This rule applies to all classified civil service employees.

    (C) Definitions

    (1) A "Classified Civil Service Employee" is an hourly employee, subject to appointment, removal, promotion, transfer or reduction by the appointing authority.

    (2) A "Full-time Employee" is an employee whose regular hours of duty total eighty hours in a bi-weekly pay period.

    (3) A "Part-time Employee" is an employee whose regular hours of duty are less than the eighty hours in a bi-weekly pay period.

    (4) A "Permanent Employee" is an unclassified hourly employee or classified civil service employee who has successfully completed an initial probationary period.

    (5) A "Probationary Period" is a period of time at the beginning of an original appointment, or immediately following a promotion or transfer, which constitutes a trial period for the employee.

    (D) Body of the rule

    Each classified civil service employee must serve a probationary period following any original appointment, promotion or transfer. Classified civil service employees whose services are found unsatisfactory may be removed at

Effective: 2/14/2019
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 111.15
Rule Amplifies: 3350.12