3352-5-01. Employee categories  

Latest version.
  • (A) Academic employees are those individuals holding one of the following academic titles:

    (1) Regular faculty, fully affiliated. University professor, professor, associate professor, assistant professor, senior instructor, instructor, and lecturer are university professorships established and defined by the Wright state university board of trustees. Other faculty ranks are described in rule 3352-2-02 of the Administrative Code. A regular faculty member may also hold an administrative title, such as vice president, dean, or chair. The rank of senior instructor is available only at the Wright state university lake campus.

    (2) Special faculty, partially affiliated.

    (a) Adjunct professor, adjunct associate professor, adjunct assistant professor, and adjunct instructor are persons who meet the qualifications of rank as defined in rule 3352-2-02 of the Administrative Code, but whose major commitment is to an obligation either outside the university or outside the department in which he/she will teach. No continuing commitment is implied.

    (b) Visiting professor, visiting associate professor, and visiting assistant professor are members of the faculty holding equivalent rank at another school who are appointed full time for two years or less.

    (c) Faculty associate in an academic unit is a member of the teaching staff, usually a specialist, who does not meet the qualifications of an instructor and who may be part time or full time. A faculty associate is not normally a degree candidate or student.

    (d) Graduate teaching associate is an advanced graduate student who has a master's degree or equivalent and who usually is a doctoral candidate involved with instruction or other professional service.

    (e) Graduate teaching assistant is a graduate student who has a bachelor's degree or equivalent and who is involved with teaching or other professional service.

    (3) Research employees.

    (a) Research technician one. One year of college or high school and one year of experience is required.

    (b) Research technician two. An advanced two-year specialized degree/education or the equivalent or high school and four years related experience or an equivalent combination of both is required.

    (c) Research assistant one, biological sciences. A bachelor's degree in a biological/health science or an equivalent combination of education and experience is required, such as two years of college and two years of directly related experience.

    (d) Research assistant one, social sciences/liberal arts. A bachelor's degree in a social science or a combination of education and experience is required, such as two years of college and two years of related experience or other equivalent combination.

    (e) Research assistant one, physical sciences. A bachelor's degree in a physical science or a combination of education and experience is required, such as two years of college and two years of related experience or other equivalent combination.

    (f) Research assistant one, engineering/medicine. A bachelor's degree in engineering or health science or an equivalent combination or education and experience is required, such as two years of college and two years of directly related experience.

    (g) Research assistant two, biological sciences. A bachelor's degree in a biological science is required; a master's degree is desirable; experience in a research capacity is required.

    (h) Research assistant two, social sciences/liberal arts. A bachelor's degree in an appropriate social science, humanity, or liberal arts is required; a master's degree is desirable. An ability to translate, adapt, and apply academic or practical knowledge in the conduct of research is required; and, experience in a research capacity is also required.

    (i) Research assistant two, physical sciences. A bachelor's degree in an appropriate physical science is required; a master's degree is desirable. An ability to translate, adapt, and apply academic and/or practical knowledge to the conduct of physical science research is required; and, experience in a physical science research capacity is desirable.

    (j) Research assistant two, engineering/medicine. A bachelor's degree in engineering or health science is required; a master's degree is desirable; and, experience in a research capacity is required.

    (k) Research associate one, biological sciences. A master's degree in an appropriate discipline or an equivalent combination of education and experience is required; a doctoral degree is desirable. An ability to translate, adapt, and apply academic and/or practical knowledge to the conduct of biological research is required; and, experience in a biological/health science research capacity is preferred.

    (l) Research associate one, social sciences/liberal arts. A master's degree in an appropriate social science or an equivalent combination of education and experience is required; a doctoral degree is desirable. An ability to translate, adapt, and apply academic and/or practical knowledge to the conduct of social science research is required; and, experience in a social science research capacity is preferred.

    (m) Research associate one, physical sciences. A master's degree in an appropriate physical science or an equivalent combination of education and experience is required; a doctoral degree is desirable. An ability to translate, adapt, and apply academic and/or practical knowledge to the conduct of social science research is required; and, experience in a physical science research capacity is preferred (n) Research associate one, engineering/medicine. A master's degree in engineering, health science, or biology or an equivalent combination of education and experience is required; a doctoral degree is desirable. An ability to translate, adapt, and apply academic and/or practical knowledge to the conduct of research is required; and, experience in a research capacity is preferred.

    (o) Research associate two, physical sciences/biological sciences/social sciences/liberal arts. A master's degree in an appropriate field is required; a doctoral degree is preferred; and, considerable experience in a research capacity field discipline is also required.

    (p) Research associate two, engineering/medicine. A master's degree in engineering or an appropriate science is required; a doctoral degree is preferred; and, considerable experience in an engineering or medical research capacity is required.

    (q) Senior research associate, physical sciences/biological sciences/social sciences/liberal arts. A doctoral degree in an appropriate science or an equivalent combination of education and experience is required, and extensive experience in a research capacity is also required. Experience in a progressively responsible administrative capacity is preferred.

    (r) Senior research associate, engineering/medicine. A Ph.D. or M.D. degree in an appropriate field, extensive experience in a professional area (research, development, evaluation, instrumentation), considerable experience in a research and development setting (that is, planning and conducting research and development projects/programs in terms of technical and managerial functions), and experience in development in an area of specialization or an equivalent combination of education and experience on master of science/master of arts and extensive equivalent experience is required.

    (s) Postdoctoral research associate. A doctoral degree in specialized field of study is required.

    (t) Research scientist. A doctoral degree in an appropriate field or an equivalent combination of education and experience is required. At this level, the researcher has a demonstrated ability as a competent and productive worker. The incumbent may have authored several publications of considerable interest and value to the field.

    (4) School of medicine (tenure is not available in the school of medicine).

    (a) Regular faculty, fully affiliated. Professor, associate professor, assistant professor, and instructor are university professorships in the school of medicine having the same definition as in paragraph (A)(1) of this rule and as defined in the bylaws of the school of medicine.

    (b) Special faculty, fully affiliated.

    (i) Fellow instructor is a fully affiliated fellow who is a graduate of an accredited residency or graduate degree program.

    (ii) Resident instructor is a fully affiliated resident in the last year of residency.

    (iii) Junior resident instructor is a fully affiliated resident prior to the terminal year.

    (c) Voluntary faculty, partially affiliated, basic department/program. Adjunct professor, adjunct associate professor, adjunct assistant professor, and adjunct instructor are partially affiliated members of the basic science faculty who receive no remuneration from the school of medicine.

    (d) Voluntary faculty, partially affiliated, clinical department.

    (i) Clinical professor, associate clinical professor, assistant clinical professor, and clinical instructor are partially affiliated members of the clinical science faculty who receive no remuneration from the school of medicine.

    (ii) Clinical professor emeritus is a partially affiliated member of the clinical science faculty who has retired from active faculty status and who has made outstanding and consistent contributions to the school of medicine.

    (e) Voluntary special faculty, partially affiliated, clinical department.

    (i) Fellow clinical instructor is a partially affiliated fellow who is a graduate of an accredited residency program.

    (ii) Resident clinical instructor is a partially affiliated resident in the last year of residency.

    (iii) Junior resident clinical instructor is a partially affiliated resident prior to the terminal year.

    (f) Visiting faculty. Visiting faculty, visiting associate professor, visiting assistant professor, and visiting instructor are titles conferred by the dean of the school of medicine for those giving a short period of service.

    (g) Professional associate. Titles used as described in paragraph (A)(2) of this rule. An adjunct or clinical modifier will be used if a partially affiliated member is appointed to a basic science or clinical science faculty respectively.

    (h) Research employees. Titles used as described in paragraph (A)(3) of this rule.

    (5) School of professional psychology (tenure is not available in the school of professional psychology).

    (a) Regular faculty, fully affiliated. Professor, associate professor, assistant professor, and instructor are university professorships in the school of professional psychology having the same definition as in paragraph (A)(1) of this rule.

    (b) Special faculty.

    (i) Resident in professional psychology is the title for postdoctoral residents.

    (ii) Clinical professor, clinical associate professor, clinical assistant professor, and clinical instructor are partially affiliated members who receive no salary but who may perform clinical teaching or supervision.

    (iii) Visiting professor, visiting associate professor, visiting assistant professor, and visiting instructor are individuals who are giving a short period of service to the school of professional psychology or are university professors in the school of professional psychology having the same definition as in paragraph (A)(2)(b) of this rule. The title is conferred by the dean of the school of professional psychology.

    (iv) Adjunct professor, adjunct associate professor, adjunct assistant professor, and adjunct instructor are titles for use in special situations for individuals holding adjunct appointments in other units of the university as their primary affiliation. This title does not imply a full-time commitment.

    (v) Adjunct clinical professor, adjunct clinical associate professor, adjunct clinical assistant professor, and adjunct clinical instructor are partially affiliated members who may perform clinical or didactic teaching, or clinical supervision, for pay with a limited service contract. This title does not imply a full-time commitment.

    (6) Other.

    (a) Academic Advisor. A person who is an advisor to a group of students, with such duties as assisting students with academic problems, advising about courses and professional fields, and conducting orientation of new students. There also can be other assigned responsibilities or certain areas such as liaison with other university divisions or organizations.

    (b) Counselor. A person responsible for providing group and individual personal, academic, financial, and vocational guidance in an effort to assist the student in his/her attempt to resolve problems.

    (c) Records Analyst. A person who analyzes student records for certification, validation, and advising in the office of a dean or the registrar.

    (B) Individuals with academic titles, without employment commitments.

    (1) Teaching fellow. A graduate student who is the recipient of a fellowship from extramural sources which permits limited teaching.

    (2) Fellow. A graduate student who is the recipient of a fellowship from either internal or external sources.

    (3) Postdoctoral fellow. The holder of a doctorate who is awarded a fellowship which supports further research or specialized teaching or both, and whose duties and status are defined at the time of appointment.

    (C) Administrative, academic, and nonacademic employees.

    (1) Faculty and non-faculty personnel. Personnel who are unclassified pursuant to section 124.11 of the Ohio Revised Code, holding one of the following titles by administrative appointment.

    (a) Administrative, nonacademic.

    (i) President. The chief executive officer of the university.

    (ii) Senior vice president. Self-explanatory title.

    (iii) Treasurer. The chief financial officer of the university. This person may hold the dual appointment of treasurer of the university and treasurer of the board of trustees.

    (iv) Vice president. The chief executive officer in a major functional or service area. This title can be coupled with another title.

    (v) Executive assistant. The principal assistant to a chief administrative officer. This person can have some specified line responsibility.

    (vi) Assistant to the president. A person who assists the president.

    (b) Administrative, academic.

    (i) Dean. The chief academic officer of a college or academic division of the university or the head of a major student related function.

    (ii) Chair. The head of an academic department in a college of the university.

    (c) Administrative, nonacademic or academic.

    (i) Executive director. A person who has decision-making authority for more than one nonacademic department.

    (ii) Director. A person who is the chief executive of a nonacademic department or an academic subunit or program.

    (iii) Associate. A person who holds the position on a permanent basis, who reports to a dean, a director, or other executive, and who is empowered to act in the absence of his/her immediate superior.

    (iv) Assistant. A person who assists a university officer, director, manager, dean, or other supervisor with a particular area of specialization but who is not ordinarily empowered to act on behalf of his/her immediate superior beyond that area. He/she can be second in command of a designated function.

    (v) Special assistant. A person who holds a temporary appointment for a specific purpose.

    (vi) Assistant to. An employee performing broad administrative work in a staff capacity, reporting to a university officer, dean, or department director, chair, or equivalent.

    (vii) Administrative assistant. A person performing specialized administrative staff work in the immediate office and reporting to a university officer, dean, or equivalent; generally responsible for the efficient and effective performance of the office and exercising supervision over clerical or other employees in the same office.

    (viii) Manager. A person with managerial decision-making responsibility for a particular function within a department, not necessarily with supervisory authority.

    (ix) Self-explanatory titles. A person with a title which matches the job specifically.

    (x) Coordinator. An employee who coordinates the function of several similar departments but who has no final decision-making authority.

    (xi) Staff assistant. An employee performing specialized staff work, reporting to a director, chair, or equivalent and exercising no line authority beyond supervision over clerical employees.

    (2) Classified personnel. Persons who are classified civil servants pursuant to section 124.11 of the Ohio Revised Code.

    (3) Student employees. Students who obtain their positions through the financial aid office of the student employment office and are paid in accordance with Wright state university administrative memorandum 72-18.

Replaces: 3352.5.01

Effective: 5/1/1992
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3352.03
Rule Amplifies: 3352.03
Prior Effective Dates: 5/1/92