3352-5-10. Internal promotion  

Latest version.
  • (A) Wright state university's non-competitive internal promotion policy for classified and unclassified staff is intended as both a reward for successful performance and an assignment of additional responsibility to an individual who has accepted and fulfilled responsibility well. This rule is consistent with and integral to the university's affirmative action policy. In order to fully utilize its available human resources, the university attempts when circumstances permit:

    (1) To fill vacancies by promotion from within when practicable and consistent with its commitment to affirmative action;

    (2) To promote on the basis of skills, knowledge, ability, and performance; and,

    (3) To provide job training and educational opportunities to help employees perform better and prepare for advancement or new job opportunities.

    (B) An internal promotion may be made without a job search subject to compliance with all of the conditions:

    (1) The appropriate vice present or dean shall authorize in writing that the position is to be filled by internal promotion, before the position is posted.

    (2) A review or interview process shall be conducted to ensure that all eligible and qualified employees in the same operating unit are given consideration for the position.

    (3) The hiring manager shall prepare and the appropriate vice president or dean shall approve documentation that includes the following information:

    (a) A list of eligible employees in the same operating unit who are qualified and considered for the position.

    (b) A summary of the designated employee's credentials that document that the individual meets the established minimum qualifications for the position and has the skills and experience at least equal to candidates that could be recruited by a competitive process.

    (c) The reasons for selecting the designated employee for the position.

    (4) Any vacancy created by an internal promotion must be posted and filled in accordance with prescribed procedures.

Replaces: 3352 -5-10

Effective: 7/31/1999
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3352.03
Rule Amplifies: 3352.03
Prior Effective Dates: 7/16/93