3354:1-30-07.1. Tenure procedure  

Latest version.
  • (A) Award of tenure

    (1) The college awards tenure to eligible faculty members in the spirit ^ of its statement on academic quality, as follows: "Cuyahoga Community College is committed to academic quality characterized by an educational climate that is rigorous and disciplined, has high expectations, requires hard work, expects personal and professional integrity, recognizes the dignity and worth of all persons, and provides extensive support for teaching, learning and scholarship."

    (2) Tenure may be awarded to faculty members who have been contracted and employed in tenure-track positions, subject to the provisions of the eligibility requirements, as set forth hereinafter.

    (B) Tenure eligibility criteria

    (1) Tenure-track faculty shall become eligible for tenure after five years at the college in which they have served more than fifty per cent of each of the five annual contracts in a teaching capacity. Teaching capacity is defined by the college as classroom instruction, college librarian, or counseling.

    (2) The criteria governing the award of tenure shall include eligibility for the rank of assistant professor, evidence of effective teaching, creative achievement, academic integrity, and professional service to the college. The manner in which these criteria may be met includes effective classroom performance, service to the college, service to the students, and public service to and on behalf of the college. If more than fifty per cent of an academic year, as computed on the basis of total equated semester units taught for the academic year, is spent in an administrative or supervisory capacity, such year shall not count toward tenure.

    (C) Pre-tenure probationary status

    (1) Tenure-track faculty who have not served five consecutive academic years as computed from their date of hire as tenure-track faculty shall be considered on probationary status. For tenure purposes, an academic year shall consist of two semesters which need not be continuous but may not include summer sessions.

    (2) No credit toward eligibility for tenure shall be given for part-time service, partial-year or full-year teaching assignments in nontenure-track positions at this or other colleges, or for professional attainment or other non-tenure-track assignments.

    (D) Probationary evaluation

    (1) Tenure-track faculty who have not yet become eligible for tenure or have not been granted tenure shall be evaluated in accordance with the policy and procedure on faculty evaluation. A peer review component must be included. Evaluation of instructional competence will occur only in classes in which the faculty member is the instructor of record and is actively instructing.

    (2) The policy and procedure on faculty evaluation has been designed to measure (a) teaching ability, (b) creative achievement, (c) academic integrity, and (d) professional and public service to the College, its students and the community. Furthermore, the policy and procedure on faculty evaluation is intended to monitor the performance of tenure-track faculty on probationary status in each of these four areas, to stimulate improvement as needed, and to provide the basis for recommendation of renewal or non-renewal of contracts.

    (3) To be eligible for tenure, the faculty member must have been evaluated for five consecutive years according to the provisions of the board policy and college procedure on faculty evaluation.

    (E) Non-reappointment of probationary status faculty

    (1) If a decision is made, based upon evaluation according to board policy and college procedure, not to renew the appointment of a tenure-track faculty member on probationary status, the faculty member shall be notified in writing that such a determination has been made.

    (a) If the determination is made during the first contract year, notification shall be given on or before May first, but not later than June thirtieth, of the contract year.

    (b) If the determination is made in any subsequent probationary contract year, notification shall be provided at least twelve months before the expiration of the contract.

    (2) The faculty member who receives such a notice shall, upon request, be given a statement in writing of the reasons which underlie the determination of non-renewal. The faculty member who is not reappointed may pursue remedy under the grievance procedure in the "Agreement Between Cuyahoga Community College District and the AAUP-Cuyahoga Community College Chapter."

    (F) Notification of eligibility for tenure

    (1) During October of each year, the office of human resources will submit to the office of academic and student affairs a list of faculty who will become eligible for tenure within the next contractual academic year.

    (2) During October of each year, the office of academic and student affairs shall provide to each campus president/ college-wide vice president the tenure eligibility list.

    (3) Between the last Friday of October and the first Wednesday of November, the campus president/college-wide vice president must notify eligible faculty members of their eligibility and that, should they decide not to apply for tenure, they will be proffered a one-year terminal contract.

    (4) If they decide to apply for tenure, eligible faculty members shall submit to their campus presidents, by the third Wednesday of January, the following documentation:

    (a) A current resume;

    (b) The last two faculty evaluations, including student, peer, and supervisor components;

    (c) documentation to support eligibility for the rank of assistant professor.

    (5) Upon receipt of materials from faculty members who are applying for tenure, the campus presidents college-wide vice president shall submit, by the fourth Wednesday his/her recommendation for each candidate to be granted or not granted tenure to the committee on tenure. In deliberations leading to such recommendations, the campus president/college-wide vice president shall use the guidelines set forth in this procedure and shall submit appropriate documentation to support each recommendation, including the recommendation of each faculty member's dean, director, associate dean, assistant dean or equivalent in the academic organization, as appropriate.

    (6) The committee on tenure shall be comprised of seven tenured faculty members (preferably, with a minimum of two from each campus) who have been appointed by the CCC/AAUP chapter. The CCC/AAUP chapter shall notify the college president of the membership and chairperson of this committee by October of each year.

    (7) The committee on tenure, campus presidents college-wide vice president shall prepare a recommendation for each candidate to be granted or not granted tenure. In deliberations leading to such recommendations, the tenure committee shall use the guidelines set forth in this procedure. The tenure committee shall submit its recommendations to the executive vice president of academic and student affairs with an informational copy to the campus presidents/college-wide vice presidents by the fourth Friday of February.

    (8) The campus presidents/college-wide vice presidents shall submit their recommendations to the executive vice president for academic and student affairs by the second Friday of March.

    (9) The executive vice president for academic and student affairs shall review the tenure recommendations from both the tenure committee and the campus presidents/college-wide vice presidents. The executive vice president of academic and student affairs shall submit his/her tenure recommendations to the college president by the third Friday in April. The college president shall make a recommendation for approval of tenure to the board of trustees at its May meeting each year.

    (10) Tenure shall not be denied on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, age, ethnic origin, handicap, or political or collective bargaining activities.

    (G) Denial of tenure

    (1) If a faculty member is denied tenure, the college, through the office of academic and student affairs, shall send written notification to the faculty member. Such notification shall include the reasons for denial.

    (2) Should the faculty member wish to appeal the denial, he/she shall, within thirty days of notification of denial, submit a written request for review to the college president.

    (3) The president and the board of trustees, or its designee, shall meet within thirty days of receipt of such request for the purpose of conducting a review. At the board's discretion, it may invite the faculty member, accompanied by one other person if the faculty member so desires, to meet with the board, or its designee, for a discussion concerning the denial of tenure.

    (4) If the decision of the president and the board of trustees is denial of tenure, the faculty member could be offered a one-year terminal contract.

    (H) Post-tenure status

    Consistent with Article XXXVII of the "Agreement Between Cuyahoga Community College District and the AAUP-Cuyahoga Community College Chapter," and board and management rights, tenure shall be continuous until the retirement of the faculty member or termination of his/her contract.

    (I) The president or the president's designee is hereby directed to take all steps necessary and appropriate for the implementation of this procedure.

Replaces: part of 3354:1-30-07

Effective: 7/31/2006
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3354.09
Rule Amplifies: 3354.09
Prior Effective Dates: 3/6/78, 4/15/90