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Ohio Administrative Code (Last Updated: January 12, 2021) |
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3354:1 Cuyahoga Community College |
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Chapter3354:1-30. Policies on Student Academics and Behavior |
3354:1-30-08.1. Faculty evaluation procedure
(A) Background.
(1) Research in the area of faculty evaluation has generally concluded that an evaluation program should be comprehensive. The program should incorporate the use of different responsibilities (e.g., classroom teaching, college service), the use of different methods of information collection (e.g., classroom visits, questionnaires, interviews, etc.), and the use of more than one source (e.g., students, peers, supervisor). This approach, although time consuming, is considered appropriate for several reasons. First, faculty differ significantly in their responsibilities. Second, it is consistent with the conclusion that no single theory of instruction is superior to all others; there is no one recognized view of effective instruction as perceptions vary among educators. Third, more than a single type of information is necessary to adequately document faculty effectiveness and to provide feedback for improvement.
(2) Another feature of the procedure described herein is that it relies heavily upon the professional relationship between the faculty member and his/her immediate superior. The emphasis given to each responsibility and the source of information about performance in each of those categories will be decided mutually by the faculty member and his/her immediate supervisor. The setting of goals for the faculty member's professional development will be the responsibility of the faculty member, with approval by the immediate supervisor.
(B) Categories of faculty performance.
Faculty at the college may be assigned professional responsibilities in the areas listed-below. Experience indicates, however, that all faculty do not perform the same tasks. They do not spend equal time and effort performing the various aspects of their individual assignments. The procedure for evaluation of faculty performance must, therefore, balance the institution's need for uniformity and fairness with the diversity and flexibility of professional responsibilities.
(1) Teaching
Direct instruction: this includes lecture, lab, clinical, or instruction in other settings, including preparation, presentation, evaluation, out of class consultation, and student orientation.
(2) Counseling: this includes student advising, group and individual counseling, seminars, orientation of new students, liaison with other faculty, and direct student instruction.
(3) Library services: this includes patron services, direct student instruction, reference seminars, and liaison services with other faculty.
(4) College service: this includes College governance, campus and district committees, curriculum development.
(5) Student service: this includes admissions/recruiting, advising and placement of new students, student activities, and athletics.
(6) Public service: this includes participation in community services programs, continuing education, and public relations programs.
(7) Professional service: this includes professional growth and development.
(C) Sources of information.
(1) Standard evaluation instruments will be used district-wide to gather information from the following sources:
(a) Supervisor - The immediate supervisor will evaluate overall effectiveness and performance of the faculty member's teaching and other responsibilities based on visitation of classes and day to day interaction.
(b) Students - Students will be asked to evaluate the basic elements of a course including tests, course content, method of instruction, materials, etc.
(c) Self - Self evaluation may take the following forms: a rating form; video records, informal feedback or other methods.
(d) Peers -Peer evaluation may involve: evaluation of course materials such as outlines, syllabi, examinations, texts and/or classroom observations. Colleagues can comment on organization, methodology, currency of materials, appropriateness of course goals, content and grading procedures. The specific elements/components of peer evaluation will be decided upon by the individual faculty member and the immediate supervisor. Peer will include any faculty member in the division of the faculty member being evaluated.
(e) Other - Clinical, practicum, field experience, cooperative education, directed practice, and observation sites may also provide evaluation information on the faculty member's performance at that location.
(2) Although each of the five sources listed in this paragraph can provide significant information, no one source can be expected to provide accurate and reliable assessments for all of the various kinds of faculty responsibilities. It is important, therefore, to clarify which sources will be used for each faculty role. This is demonstrated in the following chart.
College Service
Student Service
Public Service
Professional Service
(D) Instruments used.
The college will provide appropriate instruments and questionnaires developed by the joint committee on faculty evaluation and which have been approved by the assistant vice president for human resources for the collection of information. Only the approved college evaluation forms will be used by persons participating in the process. These forms will be evaluated and updated on an annual basis by the policy-established permanent joint committee on faculty evaluations. The following forms are provided:
(1) Immediate supervisor summary evaluation form
(2) Classroom visitation (counseling observation; library observation) forms
(3) Student evaluation questionnaire
(4) Self evaluation and reporting form
(5) Peer evaluation form
(6) Clinical site observation form
(E) Individualizing the evaluation system.
(1) The challenge of accounting for the different kinds of faculty assignments can be addressed by emphasizing the significance of each assignment or role. Each faculty member will come to an agreement with his or her immediate supervisor on the combination of roles or activities comprising the contractual responsibilities for the academic year and consistent with teaching load responsibilities, as applicable, contained in the college's contract with the CCC-AAUP. Faculty will therefore, be evaluated on the basis of their individual contributions to the college instead of being forced into a particular role model. The evaluation will be structured in accordance with the approximate ratio of teaching to non-teaching activities. This combination will include evaluation by the immediate supervisor, the faculty member's students, and any other sources agreed upon by the faculty and immediate supervisor.
(2) In the event that the contractual responsibilities should change substantially during the year, an adjustment in the agreement will be made by the immediate supervisor in conjunction with the faculty member.
(F) Steps and sequence for implementation.
(1) At least one-half of the tenured faculty in each budget unit/area will be evaluated at least once each year; all non-tenured faculty will be evaluated according to the college policy on faculty evaluation.
(2) Prior to the beginning of the fall semester of each year, the office of human resources will distribute to faculty and their immediate supervisors copies of all forms and questionnaires that will be used in the faculty evaluation process.
(3) By the end of the fourth week of classes of Fall Semester, each full-time faculty member to be evaluated will meet and reach agreement with the appropriate supervisor on the combination of roles and activities comprising the contractual responsibilities for the academic year. By the end of the fourth week of the appropriate semester, each part-time faculty member will meet with the appropriate supervisor to discuss the evaluation plan.
(4) When peer evaluation is part of the process, by the end of the fourth week of the fall semester, the immediate supervisor and the faculty member to be evaluated will agree upon a faculty colleague(s) to act as a source for peer review.
(5) Supervisor evaluation.
(a) The immediate supervisor will observe at least one class of the faculty member being evaluated during either the Fall or spring semester; for counseling faculty, there will be an observation of one student counseling session, either in person or via tape recording. Prior to the observation, a conference will be held between the faculty member and the immediate supervisor to schedule the observation and to discuss the course or counseling objectives. Within one week of the observation, the classroom visitation report or counseling observation report will be prepared by the immediate supervisor and submitted to the faculty member for discussion with the faculty member. This report will also be kept by the supervisor for inclusion in the summary evaluation report, which will be completed in the spring.
(b) By the end of the fourth week of the spring semester, the immediate supervisor will complete and submit to the faculty member a summary evaluation report. Included in the report will be copies of all evaluation forms, materials, and questionnaires that were used to complete the summary report. A conference between the immediate supervisor and the faculty member will be scheduled to discuss this report. The report will be signed by the faculty member and submitted to the appropriate dean by the end of the seventh week of the spring semester. The report will provide for comments by the faculty member.
(6) Student evaluation.
(a) For instructional faculty, the student evaluation form will be administered during the last three weeks of the semester to one of the faculty member's classes chosen by the faculty member during the fall semester and one class section during the spring semester. The completed evaluation forms will be delivered by the faculty member's supervisor to the appropriate office on each campus for tabulation. The faculty member and the immediate supervisor will receive a copy of the tabulated report and will have access to the original questionnaires completed by the students.
(b) For counseling faculty, the student evaluation form will be obtained from a sample of forty students who have had appointments with the counselor and from one group of students in orientation where possible. The sample to be surveyed will include students from each of the fall and spring semesters. The completed evaluation forms will be delivered to the appropriate office on each campus for tabulation. The faculty member and the immediate supervisor will receive a copy of the tabulated results and will have access to the original questionnaires completed by the students.
(c) For librarian faculty, forms will be distributed to one class of students who have had a formal orientation to the library and to a sample of those for whom the librarian has provided other direct service. Both will be completed during the fall and spring semesters. The faculty member and the immediate supervisor will receive a copy of the tabulated results and will have access to the original questionnaires completed by the students.
(G) Self-evaluation.
When self-evaluation is part of the process, the self report/evaluation instrument will be submitted by the faculty member to the appropriate supervisor by the end of the fifth week of the spring semester. The report should include such documents as a completed faculty activity survey, professional development form, a completed self evaluation form and copies of course syllabi, handouts, tests and any other relevant information.
(H) Peer evaluation.
When peer evaluation is part of the process, the peer evaluation instrument will be submitted by the faculty member to the appropriate supervisor by the end of the fifth week of the spring semester. Additional documents may be submitted (as agreed upon by the faculty member and the peer evaluator) which support the evaluation.
(I) Professional development plan.
By the end of the seventh week of the spring semester, the faculty member will submit to the immediate supervisor a professional development plan mutually agreed to by both the faculty member and the supervisor (e.g., reading, professional literature, attending conferences, seminars, conventions, etc.), which will then be formally discussed and agreed upon by both parties for the next evaluation period. Assistance in both the preparation of the plan and its execution will be made available through the office of institutional development. Although the responsibility for the completion of the plan is that of the faculty member and the immediate supervisor, the institutional development office will be given a copy of each plan so they can be used (1) collectively to develop workshops, seminars, and other activities common to the faculty in general and (2) to encourage appropriate institutional support.
(J) In the event that a faculty member and immediate supervisor cannot agree upon an aspect of the evaluation process or the faculty member may request a re-evaluation, the issue will be resolved according to the grievance policy described in the current agreement between the college and the CCC-AAUP.
(K) Permanent joint committee on faculty evaluation.
The permanent joint committee on faculty evaluation will be responsible for monitoring the effectiveness of the policy and procedure and making appropriate recommendations for improvement as deemed necessary.