3356-6-02. Intercollegiate athletics programs - student-athletes  

Latest version.
  • (A) Policy statement. In conjunction with the mission and goals of Youngstown state university ("YSU"), intercollegiate athletics offers broad-based programs that support the educational objectives and academic progress of student-athletes; comply with the regulations of the national collegiate athletic association ("NCAA") and university affiliated intercollegiate athletic conferences; and accommodates the institution's intercollegiate athletic competitive interest of students while providing spectator events of interest to students, faculty, staff, and members of the broader community. The intercollegiate athletics department is committed to the welfare of student-athletes, academic integrity, sportsmanship and ethical integrity, fiscal integrity, ethnic diversity of student-athletes and staff, gender equity, and community outreach.

    (B) Parameters.

    (1) The president has overall responsibility for the administration of all aspects of the intercollegiate athletics program of the university.

    (2) The executive director of intercollegiate athletics has been delegated the overall accountability for the intercollegiate athletics program and its compliance with all conference and NCAA regulations.

    (3) The associate director intercollegiate athletics is delegated the responsibility for the development, maintenance, management of conference and NCAA compliance programs.

    (4) Compliance with university, conference and NCAA regulations is a primary responsibility of coaches, departmental staff, student-athletes, parents, boosters, and others associated with the department of intercollegiate athletics, as well as all fiscal matters, including fundraising, must be conducted within such stated regulations.

    (5) Members of the university community are expected to follow conference and NCAA regulations.

    (6) The effectiveness of the compliance program will be evaluated on a regular basis.

    (7) The primary objective of the intercollegiate athletics program is to promote the physical, emotional, and educational welfare of student-athletes, while utilizing prudent management and fiscal practices in providing opportunities for competition as an integral part of their quality educational experience.

    (8) Both academic and athletic abilities are considered during the student athletic recruitment process and followed up with offering a variety of support services upon enrollment, including academic and personal counseling, tutorial services, and substances abuse education and testing.

    (9) The department of intercollegiate athletics maintains revenue-producing team in NCAA division I men's and women's basketball and football at the division I football championship subdivision level.

    (10) A variety of other historically nonrevenue-producing intercollegiate athletic men's and women's teams are also supported.

    (11) Each of the intercollegiate athletics teams and staff members must exercise ethical conduct and support the principles of amateur athletic competition, fair play, and sportsmanship, and follow the NCAA goals regarding gender equity and minority opportunity.

    (C) Procedures.

    (1) The executive director of intercollegiate athletics reports quarterly to the board of trustees.

    (2) The associate director athletics has a direct reporting line to the president in matters of NCAA rule compliance.

    (3) The faculty athletic representative provides, on a regular basis, intercollegiate athletics policies and procedures.

    (4) The intercollegiate athletics council reviews, on a regular basis, intercollegiate athletics policies and procedures.

    (5) The intercollegiate athletics department is responsible for developing, updating, and distributing the "Student-Athlete Handbook."

    (6) The executive director of intercollegiate athletics, or designee, will meet regularly with the student-athletes advisory committee to discuss areas of interest and concern.

    (7) All fundraising activities are conducted in cooperation with the office of university advancement (see rule 3356-5-04 of the administraive code).

Replaces: 3356:1-16-02

Effective: 1/23/2012
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3356
Rule Amplifies: 3356
Prior Effective Dates: Prior to 11/4/77, 7/27/82, 8/1/86, 1/26/88, 1/31/00, 6/16/03, 7/10/10, 8/21/10