3356-7-13. Sick leave accrual, use and conversion, excluded professional/ administrative and excluded classified staff  

Latest version.
  • (A) Policy statement. The university is committed to employment practices that promote the health and welfare of its employees. Through its leave programs, it provides for and encourages preventive health care; physical, emotional, and mental well-being; professional growth and development; and civic responsibility.

    (B) Parameters.

    (1) Professional/administrative and classified staff who are excluded from a bargaining unit earn fifteen days of sick leave per year. Said sick leave is accrued at the rate of five hours per semimonthly pay period for excluded professional/administrative staff and 4.6 hours per biweekly pay period for excluded classified staff.

    (2) Professional/administrative and classified staff who are excluded from a bargaining unit may utilize up to four days of accrued but unused sick leave per fiscal year for personal reasons not necessarily associated with an illness or injury to the employee or an immediate family member.

    (3) Sick leave may be accumulated without limit provided the employee remains in an active pay status at the university.

    (4) Sick leave may be utilized for personal illness, injury or exposure to a contagious disease which could be communicated to other employees, and visits to, or treatments by, medical providers that cannot be scheduled outside the employee's normal work hours.

    (5) Sick leave may also be utilized for an illness in the employee's immediate family and/or same sex domestic partner when the employee's presence is reasonably necessary for the health and welfare of the affected family member.

    (6) Paid sick leave shall be used concurrently with Family and Medical Leave Act ("FMLA") in accordance with rule 3356-7-05 of the Administrative Code.

    (7) At the time of retirement excluded professional/administrative staff that have completed ten or more years of active service or a combination of active university service, together with other state of Ohio units as specified by law, shall receive payment for one-fourth of the unused sick leave days up to a maximum of fifty days. Payment is based on the rate of pay at the time of retirement. Such payment will be made only once to an employee. After the employee accepts the payment, all remaining sick leave credit accrued will be eliminated. (Please see section 21.5 of the association of classified employees agreement regarding sick leave for excluded classified employees.)

    (8) A retired employee who returns to university service may accrue and use sick leave as before, but cannot receive a second sick leave conversion payment.

    (9) Sick leave conversion does not apply to any termination or separation other than retirement.

    (10) Employees covered by collective bargaining should refer to their respective labor agreement.

    (C) Procedures.

    (1) Employees utilizing sick leave should notify their immediate supervisor as soon as possible regarding the necessity to utilize sick leave. To the extent such is possible, sick leave used for personal reasons is to be scheduled in advance.

    (2) Employees are required to complete the appropriate sick leave form in advance of the leave, when possible or immediately upon return to work.

    (3) Employees will forward the completed form to their immediate supervisor for approval/disapproval.

    (4) The supervisor reviews and approves/disapproves the leave and forwards it to the office of human resources for processing and records retention.

Replaces: 3356:1-17-10

Effective: 2/4/2013
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3356
Rule Amplifies: 3356
Prior Effective Dates: 8/26/86, 6/16/03, 8/21/10