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Ohio Administrative Code (Last Updated: January 12, 2021) |
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3356 Youngstown State University |
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Chapter3356-7. University Employess and Benefits |
3356-7-19. Access to campus for purposes of commercial solicitation or advertising
(A) Policy statement. University property is dedicated to the educational mission of the university. The university may prohibit the solicitation, distribution, and presentation of information to students and employees on campus and at other locations where university business is being conducted.
(B) Purpose. These procedures are designed to ensure that the university employees can perform their duties free from intrusions and work interruptions, and to safeguard the security of persons, facilities, and property.
(C) Scope. This policy applies to all facilities and property on the university campus or under the operating authority of the university and to solicitation and advertising. This policy does not apply to university-sponsored events, the YSU foundation, university-affiliated organizations, registered student organizations, or to vendors or business representatives who are provided goods or services procured by the university.
(D) Definitions. For purposes of this policy, "solicitation and advertising" (hereinafter collectively referred to as commercial solicitation) is defined as an attempt to publicize a commercial product, service, activity, or entity or raise funds through direct sale of merchandise, services, or donations, with or without products or services rendered. Also, any method of communication intended to market or induce support of such a product, service, activity, or entity will be considered commercial solicitation.
(E) Procedures. In general, commercial solicitation of goods or services that are in competition with the goods or services provided by the bookstore or other university facilities may not be conducted on university property.
(1) Activities by employees.
(a) Solicitation to or by employees is prohibited during either employee's work time. Specifically, solicitation by an employee of another employee is prohibited while either employee is on work time. Work time does not include meal periods, authorized rest breaks, or any other specific period of the day when the employees are not properly engaged in the performance of their work duties.
(b) The use of university facilities, services, mail, social media, email, fax or telephone by university employees for the purpose of solicitation not directly related to or endorsed by the university is prohibited.
(c) Employees should consult rule 3356-7-25 of the Administrative Code regarding political activities of employees.
(2) Activities by non-employees/non-university organizations.
(a) An organization, business, or non-employee of the university wishing to engage in commercial solicitation on university property must request permission in writing five business days prior to the proposed visit. The request must be forwarded in writing to the vice president of finance and business operations and must state:
(i) The name of the organization, business, or entity as registered with the Ohio secretary of state, if applicable;
(ii) The purpose of the proposed visit;
(iii) The desired time frame of the visit;
(iv) A copy of materials to be distributed, if applicable;
(v) The names of all individuals that might be involved with the visit; and
(vi) Contact information, including name, address, and phone number of the person having accountability for the activity.
(b) The vice president of finance and business operations will review the request with the vice president of student affairs or other appropriate university administrator. Permission will be granted subject to reasonable time, place, and manner limits. When granting permission for commercial solicitation, the mission of the university will be considered as well as other activities and programs occurring during the requested time. A response to the request will be provided in writing no later than two business days after receipt of the request.
(c) If the request is honored, specific parameters regarding access to the campus and communication and contact with university employees will be included in the response. The vice president of finance and business operations, or his/her designee, will notify the university policy department of the approved request.
(d) All persons and organizations accessing campus for this purpose are required to comply with all university policies, specifically rule 3356-7-45 of the Administrative Code, "Persona non grata."
(e) Non-university individuals or groups are prohibited from using university facilities and services, including the internal campus mail system, unless authorized in writing by an appropriate university official.
(f) For safety and security purposes, solicitations are prohibited in university parking lots, decks, and driveways.
Promulgated Under:
Authority: 3356
Rule Amplifies: 3356
Prior Effective
Dates: 08/15/1998, 06/16/2003, 06/04/2012